1. 2. 3.  The April 3, 2008 Board meeting was called to order by Supervisor Anderson at 7:35 p.m. at the Community Center.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Clerk Johansen called the roll with Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Stutesman present.  Trustee Judy was absent. 

4. Reports:

Sheriff – Wasco Substation Community Policing – Lt. Kramer:  Absent.

Highway Commissioner – Sam Gallucci:  On 3/21 and 3/22 the road crew plowed and salted throughout Campton Township, the Village of Campton Hills, and Campton Hills in Plato Township; they trimmed tree branches that hung over roads in Campton Township and the Village of Campton Hills; picked up garbage along numerous roadways throughout Campton Township and the Village of Campton Hills; continued to repair potholes with cold patch throughout Campton Township, the Village of Campton Hills, and Campton Hills in Plato Township; did road patrol throughout Campton Township and the Village of Campton Hills looking for drainage problems, pot holes, and checking culvert permits; assessed lawn damage throughout Campton Township and the Village of Campton Hills for the need to repair with dirt and seed; checked all Stop signs in Campton Township and the Village of Campton Hills on a weekly basis and replaced damaged or missing ones; continued maintenance on township vehicles and equipment; installed new batteries in flashing lights on Beith, Town Hall, and Denker Roads, and Jens Jensen Lane for safety; and completed the Spring 2008 Newsletter that was sent to all residents. 

Assessor – Alan D. Rottmann:  Assessor Rottmann stated he just returned from the assessor’s update class in Springfield that is necessary to renew his assessor’s certification.  The next class will be in August.  After reviewing real estate sales for the last year he is considering reducing assessments for next year because of the decline.  Newer subdivisions and vacant land are most impacted. 

Solid Waste District – Greg VanZandt:  Absent.

Staff Update on Open Space – Jack Shouba:  Jack was absent but the written report stated six staff members participated in a prescribed burn class at Elburn and Countryside Fire Department on March 31; we purchased additional burn equipment including two roadside warning signs to make burns safer and more efficient; we sent notification letters regarding upcoming prescribed burns to neighbors of the Headwaters Conservation Area and Anderson Park; we hope to burn the wetland and woodland at Corron Farm, the prairie re-creation at Headwaters Conservation Area, portions of Anderson Park,  and V-3 plans to burn their wetland and prairie re-creation.  The burn season usually runs from March 15 to April 15 so weather conditions have not been favorable so far.  The next monthly second Saturday workday will be at Corron Farm April 12 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  The May 10 volunteer workday will be at Anderson Park instead of Corron Farm and will be followed by a pot-luck picnic. 

  Village of Campton Hills – Patsy Smith:  Absent.

 Village of Campton Hills Police:  Absent.

  Supervisor – Neal Anderson:  Supervisor Anderson stated he didn’t have anything tonight but the reason the reports are so sparse is because this Board meeting is a week early in preparation for the Annual Town Meeting next week. 

5. Approval of Minutes:

     a. Board Meeting March 11, 2008:  J. Kupar moved the Board approve the minutes of the meeting of March 11, 2008.  T. Stutesman seconded the motion.  In a voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Stutesman voted aye.  Trustee Judy was absent.  The motion passed. 

     b. Public Hearing March 11, 2008, 7:00 p.m.:  T. Stutesman moved the Board approve the minutes of the Public Hearing on the Proposed Amendment to Ordinance #07-1T Town Budget.  C. Boissonnas seconded the motion.  In a voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Stutesman voted aye.  Trustee Judy was absent.  The motion passed. 

     c. Public Hearing March 11, 2008, 7:10 p.m.:  J. Kupar moved the Board approve the minutes of the Public Hearing on the Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance #08-1T Town Fund.  T. Stutesman seconded the motion.  In a voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Stutesman voted aye.  Trustee Judy was absent.  The motion passed. 

     d. Public Hearing March 11, 2008, 7:20 p.m.:  C. Boissonnas moved the Board approve the minutes of the Public Hearing on the Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance #08-1R Road and Bridge Fund.  J. Kupar seconded the motion.  In a voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Stutesman voted aye.  Trustee Judy was absent.  The motion passed. 

6. Citizens’ Comments:  None.

7. Planning Commission:  None.

8. Old Business – Presentation and Discussion for Action:  None.

9. New Business – Presentation and Discussion for Action:

     a. Review and Act Upon Request for Additional Weeks for Agreement with St. Charles Jr. Tennis – Tim Matacio:  T. Stutesman moved the Board approve the agreement with the St. Charles Junior Tennis Association with three changes as follows: 

1.) In paragraph two the word “group” is changed to “the St. Charles Junior Tennis Association.”

2.) Under numbered “primary uses” at the end of the agreement, item three changes the yearly fee for the use of the tennis courts from $250.00 to $500.00 per calendar year. 

3.) Under numbered “primary uses” at the end of the agreement, item four changes the hours from 9:00 a.m. through 7:00 p.m., to 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. when school is in session, and 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in summer. 

The motion was seconded by C. Boissonnas.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Stutesman voted aye.  Trustee Judy was absent.  The motion passed. 

     b. Review and Act Upon Request for Boys Baseball to Build Concession Stand at Anderson Park – Jim Giasse:  Jim Giasse spoke for Boys Baseball stating the League proposes to build a concession stand at Anderson Park between fields.  The League would pay for the concession stand improvements to the shelter and would be responsible to manage and run the concession stand.  Wasco Baseball would provide necessary materials and labor and secure any necessary permits at their expense.  The concession stand would have vertical siding.  It would be 20 feet by 9 feet, and would be built inside the pavilion.  They want electricity to the stand.  Water is to water down the fields, not for the stand.  They request exclusive use of the concession stand.  Their rent to the township has been $7,500 per year, and the concession stand is a way to make back some of that money.  T. Stutesman asked if you have exclusive rights to the stand you build, and another group wants to use it, how would that work?  Jim replied they would have to rent it.  J. Kupar stated we could set this for a ten year term and then reevaluate it.  Jim thinks the stand would cost $10,000.00.  J. Kupar moved the Board approve the concession stand proposal by Wasco Baseball for a term of ten years.  If the township needs to take over use of the concession stand before that it will prorate reimbursement to Wasco Baseball based on estimated cost not to exceed $10,000.00.  The motion was seconded by T. Stutesman.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Stutesman voted aye.  Trustee Judy was absent.  The motion passed.                  

     c. Review and Act Upon End of Year Financial Statements for Annual Meeting:  Supervisor Anderson stated the statements are unaudited as yet, so the numbers can change.  J. Kupar moved the Board approve the end of year financial statements as presented for the annual meeting.  The motion was seconded by T. Stutesman.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Stutesman voted aye.  Trustee Judy was absent.  The motion passed. 

     d. Review and Act Upon Line Item Adjustments for Road District Budget 07-08:  J. Kupar moved the Board approve the line item adjustments as presented for the Road District Budget 07-08.  T. Stutesman seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Stutesman voted aye.  Trustee Judy was absent.  The motion passed. 

10. Claims and Demands for Payment:

     a. Town Fund:  J. Kupar moved the Board approve the claims and demands on the Town Fund.  T. Stutesman seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Stutesman voted aye.  Trustee Judy was absent.  The motion passed. 

     b. Open Space Fund:  J. Kupar moved the Board approve the claims and demands on the Open Space Fund.  T. Stutesman seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Stutesman voted aye.  Trustee Judy was absent.  The motion passed. 

     c. Park and Recreational Fund:  None.

11. Executive Session – Land Acquisition and Review Executive Session Minutes, Review Whether to Open Executive Session Minutes, Review Whether to Destroy Audio Tape Minutes Older then 18 Months:  T. Stutesman moved the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing land acquisition, reviewing Executive Session minutes, Reviewing whether to open Executive Session minutes, and reviewing whether to destroy audio tape minutes older then 18 months.  C. Boisonnas seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Stutesman voted aye.  Trustee Judy was absent.  The motion passed and Executive Session began at 8:35 p.m. 

12. New Business – Approve Executive Session Minutes, Approve Whether to Open Executive Session Minutes, Approve Whether to Destroy Audio Tape Minutes Older then 18 Months:  Supervisor Anderson reconvened the regular session at 8:45 p.m.  J. Kupar moved the Board approve the Executive Session minutes of March 11, 2008.  T. Stutesman seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Stutesman voted aye.  Trustee Judy was absent.  The motion passed.  C. Boissonnas moved all Executive Session minutes remain closed.  T. Stutesman seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Stutesman voted aye.  Trustee Judy was absent.  The motion passed.  C. Boissonnas moved all audio tapes of Executive Session minutes older then 18 months be destroyed.  T. Stutesman seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Stutesman voted aye.  Trustee Judy was absent.  The motion passed.

13. Adjournment:  C. Boissonnas moved the board adjourn the meeting.  J. Kupar seconded the motion.  In a voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Stutesman voted aye.  Trustee Judy was absent.  The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

                                                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                                Richard Johansen
