The August 12, 2003 meeting was called to order by Supervisor Anderson at 7:33 p.m. at the Community Center.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Clerk Johansen called the roll with Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Gillen present.  Trustees Judy and Kupar were absent. 


     Sheriff – Sergeant Collins:  Sergeant Collins reported they are working on ATV and mini- bike complaints, especially as they are on private property.  They are also working on radar patrol and trailers for speeding.  Bruce Adderly asked if there is a local sex offenders list.  Sergeant Collins replied this can be reached by link from the Sheriff’s web page.  If registered sex offenders are living in unincorporated Kane County they are supposed to report to the Sheriff.  Highway Commissioner Gallucci stated there were seven stop signs taken and replaced  in Campton Township in the last month.  Sergeant Collins asked for Commissioner Gallucci to get in touch with him so the Sheriff can get this in the press. 

     Highway Commissioner – Sam Gallucci:  Commissioner Gallucci stated we finished resurfacing Township roads today.  Now we will begin working on shoulders.  This is because resurfacing can leave a drop of four or five inches and if the shoulder is not repaired this would damage roads later when plowing snow.  The road crew also replaced a culvert at the entrance of Oak Openings subdivision, chipped up an elm tree that fell on Denker Road, trimmed overhanging branches on town roads and chipped up storm damage, picked up garbage in township ditches, mowed and weed whacked township ditches, swept township roads, repaired cracks and potholes on Township roads, placed shoulder gravel on LaFox Road, Brown Road, Town Hall Road, and Highpoint Court, painted over graffiti on Township roads, checked all stop signs in Township and replaced damaged or missing signs, maintained Township vehicles and equipment, and put ads in the Chronicle, both Heralds, and the Republican for a part time snow plow driver. 

     Assessor – Alan D. Rottmann:  Assessor Rottmann stated he is still in the process of reassessing properties.  He is talking to homeowners in the Windings, Deer Run, and Split Rail.  He is loosing summer staff because they are going back to school. 

     Park and Recreation Committee – Jim Giase:  Not present.

     Supervisor – Neal Anderson:  Supervisor Anderson stated the IDNR visited our project to review the Headwaters Conservation Area.  We are looking for a $400,000.00 grant.  The Kane County Development Committee recommended the Corron property be listed on the Historic Register.  Three park employees went to a safety workshop and received certification.  There was one emergency assistance (EA) case this month.  We met with Hastert’s and Lauzens’ offices this month to ask for help in releasing funds frozen downstate.  County Board Representative Wojnicki stated the Corron historic designation passed the full County Board this morning.  D. Gillen asked what was the E. A. case for.  Township Administrator Glas stated it was for utilities.  We checked the Salvation Army first and connected them with all other  available services. 

Approval of Minutes:

     Board Meeting July 21, 2003:  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the July 21, 2003 minutes with one correction on page three.  The  motion was seconded by R. Manser.  By voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Gillen voted aye.  Trustees Judy and Kupar were absent.  The motion passed.

Planning Commission – None

Citizens Comments:  None.

New Business – Presentation and Discussion for Action:

A.  Review Results of Public Hearing for Brush Pickup in Campton Township – Sam Gallucci, Highway Commissioner:  Commissioner Gallucci stated the Township residents voted they want brush pick-up.

B.     Review and Act Upon Salary Adjustment for Township Administrator:  R. Manser movedthe Township Administrator’ salary be increased by 5% retroactive to June 24, 2003, and that a $2000.00 performance bonus be paid.  The motion was seconded by N. Anderson.  D. Gillen stated that is not what we discussed.  She consulted the Executive Session minutes.  By roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Gillen voted aye.  Trustees Judy and Kupar were absent.  The motion passed.

C.    Review and Act Upon New Bank Account for Open Space at Harris Bank:  Township C.P.A. McCay stated tax receipts are supposed to pay down bond principle and interest, and this should be separate from Open Space working capital.  R. Manser moved a money market account be established with the Harris Bank of Batavia for the purpose of paying principle and interest of the two Open Space bond issues.  The motion was seconded by D. Gillen.  By voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Gillen voted aye.  Trustees Judy and Kupar were absent.  The motion passed. 

Old Business – Presentation and Discussion for Action:

     Review and Act Upon Amendment for Ordinance 96-1T-A:  D. Gillen moved the Board      Table acting on an amendment for Ordinance 96-1T-A.  R. Manser seconded the motion.  N. Anderson stated the previous rules had nothing in them about signage.  We will revisit      this at the next meeting.  By voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Gillen voted aye.  Trustees Judy and Kupar were absent.  The motion passed. 

Campton Township Community Park:

A.     Review and Act Upon the Request for Sign at Brown Road Park – Wasco Diamonds: 

N. Anderson introduced Joe Garbarski regarding the Wasco Diamonds sign.  J. Garbarski stated he has been a volunteer since 1988 in Wasco softball.  In 1989 they formed a committee.  Joe was Chairman.  Mrs. Anderson approached Joe and he worked with Ed Malek on a proposal to build Brown Road Park for the baseball leagues.  He has been active in it since its inception.  He worked with Administrator Glas on issues of parking, bathrooms, garbage, etc.  When the park was completed in 1997 their program ceased getting funds from the Township, and the ball leagues paid for the installation of fields.  They did the maintenance and have provided infrastructure since 1997.  The sign was built four years ago.  It was installed at the beginning of the season and removed at the end of the season since 1997.  The program grew from two teams to six teams.  Now we have teams from the suburbs using the facilities.  The name of the park is Campton Township Community Park although its called Brown Road Park.  There is not a continuity in names.  Wasco Diamonds asked permission this year following the same protocol used since 1997.  They never asked for a permanent sign, its always been temporary.  The contract says nothing about asking or needing permission to put and remove signs.  Other programs have put up permanent signs that were not subjected to scrutiny by the Township.  You asked for a written request for a sign.  There is nothing in the contract about that but we did it anyway.  We have acted the same now as we have in the past.  This room was named by Town voters after Ed Malek just as a ball field was named after Sam Gallucci by the Town voters.  If something has changed so that we need to go through the Town Board on these issues that is different then before.  N. Anderson stated this is a communication issue.  The ball leagues take care of the tedious maintenance, and the Township mows the fields.  It’s a question of cooperation.  We need to revisit this now.  The question is what is a permanent feature?  If it’s a 4x4 sign that looks permanent it needs to be sorted out by the rules.  A temporary sign can be hung on the fence.  J. Garbarski stated that’s a different issue.  Banners are temporary.  We are private non profit programs that don’t get money from the Township.  Without promotional banners that leaves us with no way to get money but from the Township.  N. Anderson stated the question is what is a capital improvement and a 4x4 sign is a capital improvement.  R. Manser stated there are a number of issues.  Who has the legal right to name public facilities?  They understood they could put advertising on a sign at the beginning of the season and take it down at the end of the season, but no wooden signs.  Now there is agreement to place banners on the field.  J. Garbarski stated what you think of as advertising is not thought of as advertising by them.  They just put the sign up as a thank you.  R. Manser stated that is a stretch.  D. Gillen stated we got a lot of complaints about this.  N. Anderson stated we will just let this go for the rest of the season and then sit down and sort this out.  R. Manser asked if you leave them up to Labor Day is that O.K.?  J. Garbarski stated yes.  D. Gillen stated we don’t appreciate this.  Signs for safety need to be there.  J. Garbarski stated we are following what has been done since the programs inception.  R. Manser moved the Wasco Diamonds keep existing signs up until September 1, 2003 and then remove them.  The motion was seconded by N. Anderson.  D. Gillen stated she preferred to table this because the other Board members had opinions about this.   On a voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustee Manser voted aye.  Trustee Gillen voted no.  Trustees Judy and Kupar were absent.  The motion passed. 

B.     Review and Act Upon Screen Fence to Hide Porto Toilet:  D. Gillen moved the Board allocate up to $300.00 to direct staff to put up a screen fence to hide the porto potty.  The motion was seconded by R. Manser.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Gillen voted aye.  Trustees Judy and Kupar were absent.  The motion passed. 

C.    Review and Act Upon Abandoning Old Path and Create Connection to Existing Path:  D. Gillen moved the Board direct staff to abandon the old dangerous path and create a connection to the existing path.  The motion was seconded by R. Manser.  D. Gillen stated the Park Board met with Dave Corron and there is a part of the path that is dangerous that we need to abandon and connect to another part of the existing path.  Township Administrator Glas stated we may look at reconfiguring a loop.  By voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Gillen voted aye.  Trustees Judy and Kupar were absent.  The motion passed.

Bank Statements:  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the bank statements.  The motion           was seconded by R. Manser.  By voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Gillen voted aye.  Trustees Judy and Kupar were absent.  The motion passed.

Claims and Demands for Payment:

A.  Town Fund:  R. Manser moved the Board approve the claims and demands on the Town        Fund.  D. Gillen seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and       Trustees Manser and Gillen voted aye.  Trustees Judy and Kupar were absent.  The            motion passed. 

B.  Open Space Fund:  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the claims and demands on the         Open Space Fund.  R. Manser seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote Supervisor            Anderson and Trustees Manser and Gillen voted aye.  Trustees Judy and Kupar were             Absent.  The motion passed.

C. Park and Recreational Fund - None

Executive Session – Land Acquisition:  R. Manser moved the Board move into Executive      Session to discuss land acquisition and personnel, and to include Judy Hines in Executive       Session.  The motion was seconded by D. Gillen.  By voice vote Supervisor Anderson and       Trustees Manser and Gillen voted aye.  Trustees Judy and Kupar were absent.  The motion       passed.

Adjournment:  D. Gillen moved the Board adjourn the meeting.  R. Manser seconded the       Motion.  By voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Gillen voted aye.       Trustees Judy and Kupar were absent.  The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at

                                                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                                        Richard Johansen
