1. 2. 3.  The December 13, 2011 Board meeting was called to order by Supervisor Kupar at 7:40 p.m. at the Community Center.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Clerk Johansen called the roll with Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, Boissonnas, and Murphy present.  Trustee VanZandt was absent. 

4. Reports:

     Sheriff – Kane County – Sgt. John Grimes:  Absent.

     Highway Commissioner – Sam Gallucci:  Commissioner Gallucci stated we pretreated the roads with brine just before the first light snow in order to prevent icing of roads.  We have discontinued the use of liquid chloride and have a full shipment of salt.  Salt prices went down by $3.00 a ton.  It is now $56.00 per ton.  Tree branches that were overhanging stop signs were removed for safety reasons.  We installed plows and spreaders on 12 trucks for the winter season, and installed snow route markers on all snowplow routes.  We continued to repair potholes throughout the Village of Campton Hills in Plato Township.  All grates and storm drains were cleared of debris throughout Campton Township and the Village of Campton Hills.  All subdivision intersections in the Township and Village were swept on a weekly basis; all stop signs in the Township and Village were checked on a weekly basis and missing or damaged ones replaced; we continued to patrol roads throughout the Township and Village for drainage problems, pot holes, and culvert permits; and we continued to repair pot holes with cold patch throughout Campton Township and the Village of Campton Hills.  The road crew installed a new 40 MPH speed limit sign on Denker Road, and replaced batteries in flashing warning lights on Denker Rd., Beith Rd., Jens Jensen Ln., Campton Hills Rd. at Anderson Rd., and Brown Road at Old LaFox Rd.  We performed maintenance repairs on the northwest corner of Building B, and ongoing maintenance of township vehicles and equipment was performed in house by Highway District staff. 

     Assessor – Alan D. Rottmann – Assessor Rottmann’s report stated the Assessor’s  office had 70 formal Board of Review hearings this year.  That compared to 62 hearings in 2010.  The 2011 assessment year is now closed and we are bringing up the 2012 assessment year data in the computer.  Also, I regret to announce that a former Campton Township Assessor’s office staff member, ANITA (SUZIE) HALLEY passed away on December 3, 2011.  She was loved by everyone and will be missed. 

     Solid Waste District – Barbara Boissonnas:  No report.

     Financial Report – Louise McKay:  Certified Public Accountant McKay stated the grand total of all funds have a balanced budget or an estimated surplus of actual plus forecasted expenditures versus the annual budget.  Please review your department/fund accounts closely on the spreadsheets and notify me if you know of any future expenditures not included in the December thorough March forecast.  All line items will continue to be monitored closely to insure any over budget items have an offsetting under budget line item.  The Town Fund in total maintains a favorable budget variance.  The Town Fund Administration’s favorable budget variance offsets the predicted unfavorable budget variance in the Park department.  The Road Fund in total maintains a favorable budget variance.  Line items will be closely monitored with the snow season just starting.  It is anticipated that there is enough funds budgeted for the winter months but it is impossible to guarantee this because of the weather.  The total Open Space Fund maintains a favorable budget variance.  It is anticipated the year will end with a favorable budget variance or surplus.  Last month it was reported the final expenditures for the Poynor Park drainage project were being processed.  I prepared the payout request to receive the Kane County American Recovery and Reinvestment Bonds funds for the drainage project.  It was forwarded to Kane County for review before the actual hard copy form was mailed for approval signatures.  I attended the Ride in Kane meeting on December 6th.  There was a discussion concerning the City of Elgin opting out of the program as a sponsor.  In 2012 the meeting schedule changes to quarterly meetings.  There were concerns about possible issues in January that may need to be discussed so a phone in conference meeting was scheduled. 

     Village of Campton Hills – President Patsy Smith:  Village of Campton Hills President Smith stated the Village of Campton Hills Newsletter is coming out in a week.  A sledding event is coming up in the Campton Hills Forest Preserve.  We had our last workshop on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.  The Village accepted the land use plan put forward by Teska and Associates.  Acceptance was required in order to receive the grant.   

     Open Space Staff Report – Kristin Bilar:  Open Space Coordinator Bilar stated the monthly volunteer workday was completed at Corron Farm.  Volunteer workdays are the second Saturday of the month.  We renewed herbicide licenses and scheduled testing for expiring licenses.  The local burn permits are complete.  Countryside Fire District doesn’t need to be notified for now.  We only need a burn permit from the Elburn Fire Department for the part of Campton Township that is in Elburn.  At Anderson Park, Wasco Nursery planted maple trees for boys’ baseball at no cost to the Township.  Stumps from ash trees were ground down and gutters installed on the bathroom facility.  Water is shut off for the winter.  At Corron Farm we are clearing raspberry, gooseberry, multiflora rose, and honeysuckle from the woods.  We are also clearing along fence lines, and repairing, and replacing, fence posts.  The garage doors, and the door on the small tool shed have been repaired, and gravel added to block snow from entering under the walls.  At Gray Willows the U.S. Forest Service performed a tree survey.  Their report stated in part: “a continuing forest survey was conducted on Gray Willows Farm, Campton Township property by the US Forest Service Northern Research Station.  The one-acre survey collected basic tree measurements such as, species, diameter, height, and quality.  These tree measurements were taken to get an idea of the forest types, trends, and uses within the state of Illinois.  The survey on your property was in a saw log sized White Oak Forest.  The forest is mostly very large oaks and hickories with a younger understory of cherries.  Some of the larger trees have broken boles which could be from the weather such as high winds or heavy snow amounts.  The trees otherwise appear in good health…. Attached is the tree data with the measurements we gathered.  Since this is a continuing forest survey a Forest Service Technician will be contacting you in 5 years to retake the tree measurements on the same trees we measured.”  At Harley Woods Witness Tree is performing herbicide work on garlic mustard and the understory brush.  At the Headwaters Conservation Area the new dog park gates are installed.  We have many compliments from visitors.  Gutters are installed on the pole barn and the trail graded with limestone.  V3 has burned the herbicided areas and will be reseeding soon.  The horse trails are closed for the season and water shut off for the winter.  At Mongerson Park the farmer wants permission to add lime to the agriculture fields.  This last for 5 years.  J. Kupar requested to be informed of where the lime comes from.  At Poynor Park overseeding in the turf areas and the NE corner was performed.  This was the area of previous dumping.  The park is closed for the season.  At Town Hall exterior painting is completed.  This includes lead paint remediation.  A six-month grant report was filed and a fire inspection completed.  There is no report on Brown Road Meadows, the Community Center, LaFox Fields, or easements. 

     Joint Environmental Resource Management Committee – John Kupar, Rob Linke, Jack Shouba:  Engineer Linke stated a proposed update of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) groundwater study was discussed.  We will explore grant-funding capabilities of Campton Township and the Village of Campton Hills.  J. Kupar stated it’s ok to explore sources of grant funding for the study.  P. Smith stated the Village is not opposed to looking for grants.  R. Linke stated the existing model explores outside the Township/Village area.  We need a higher resolution in an updated model focused on the northeast quadrant of Campton Township.  J. Kupar stated we used volunteers to take well measurements last time.  R. Linke stated if the findings show the water table only supports 100 units per 100 acres, that informs our abilities to deal with land development density. 

     Engineering Update – Poynor Park Project – Rob Linke:  Engineer Linke stated there is nothing to report until spring when we see the germination of the grass that was planted this fall. 

     Supervisor Report – John Kupar: 

5. Approval of Minutes:

     a. Board Meeting November 8, 2011:  T. Stutesman moved the Board approve the minutes of November 8, 2011.  E. Murphy seconded the motion.  In a voice vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, Boissonnas, and Murphy voted aye.  Trustee VanZandt was absent.  The motion passed. 

6. Citizens’ Comments:  J. Kupar stated let’s take Plan Commission off the future continuing agenda.  L. McKay stated let’s also take Sheriff off the continuing agenda.  Clerk Johansen stated he would do so.

7. Planning Commission:  No report.

8. Old Business –

     a. Review and Act Upon Whether Campton Township should have an Emergency Assistance Program: P. Smith asked doesn’t the Township already provide this type of assistance?  J. Kupar stated the Township provides General Assistance that is a mandated function.  Emergency Assistance is not mandated, but an option.  C. Boissonnas stated he was assigned to research this question which occurs under the Public Aid Code (305 ILCS 5/6-10) in which townships are allowed to provide emergency financial assistance.  The problem is how do you define emergency?  This is not defined in the statute.  What is the “means test” for granting an emergency assistance request and who is going to administer this on staff?  We would have to train for this, and staff it.  There is not a legal mandate that we do this.  L. McKay stated do I ask to see a bank statement, for example?  T. Stutesman stated there are other venues such as the Salvation Army and Lazarus House.  C. Boissonnas moved the township eliminate the emergency assistance program.  T. Stutesman seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, Boissonnas, and Murphy voted aye.  Trustee VanZandt was absent.  The motion passed. 

9. New Business – Presentation and Discussion for Action:

     a. Review and Act Upon Discussion by Wasco Baseball (J.J. Hammer) Concerning Baseball Field Improvements:  J.J. Hammer presented along with Chris Bell stating they are a not for profit association started in 1988.  They have 185 to 190 teams, with ages from 4 to 17, that play approximately 1400 games per year at Wasco School, LaFox Road, the Legion, Anderson Park, and Glenwood School.  Any questions about field maintenance come to him.  There are 20 board members that run the leagues.  There are several projects they would like to discuss with the Township.  Overall, they are in need of additional fields, mainly for the older players, and they need to better utilize the fields they have.  They understand some of the projects are long term and others are short term.

Anderson Park on Brown Road

·       They need another full size field (350’ fence).  There are plans for baseball fields at Poynor and Brown Road Meadows.  Brown Road Meadows needs parking for 75 cars.  Poynor needs black dirt.  They would prefer Brown Road Meadows.  J. Kupar stated we don’t have a comprehensive plan for Brown Road Meadows yet.  That’s off the table for now.  Poynor won’t be ready for awhile either.   

·       Can they use Brown Road field 6 at Anderson Park Tues/ Wed in the spring?  In spring 2011 it was reserved by Girls Softball, but it was not used.  Who is the Girls Softball contact?  J. Kupar stated see Sue Sobieski with Wasco Fastpitch because they don’t use field 6, and you could probably use it.  This is the field to use instead of Poynor or Brown Road Meadows. 

·       Can they install a home run fence at 250” at Brown field 5?  J. Kupar stated It’s OK as long as we don’t have a lot of foul balls going into the subdivision.   

·       Brown (Anderson Park) needs a new flagpole.  J. Kupar stated it’s OK for you to put one there. 

Legion Fields (next to the Community Center)

·       Legion 1 – Can they move the home run fence from 205’ to 225’.  They are aware of the septic field in the area, and it would not be affected.  J. Kupar stated we need an agreement that if you damage the septic field, you are responsible to repair it.  What will you do to mitigate driving over the septic field?  J.J. Hammer stated we will get a septic man to find the laterals so they are not driven over.  J. Kupar stated consider fencing or shrubbery to block anyone from driving over.   

·       Legion 2 – (currently a limestone field, north of the main field).  J.J. Hammer stated we know this is an “open” field for anyone in the Township to use, but it seldom gets used.  How is scheduling handled for this field?  We would like to use the field in the spring.  Can we install a fence at the end of the grass?  Can we change this field to field mix (dirt)?  J. Kupar asked if the girls use it as a back up field, could you accommodate that?    J.J. Hammer replied yes.  J. Kupar stated we don’t mind you using a dual mix as long as it can be used by both girls fastpitch and boys baseball. 

LaFox Fields (Campton Forest Preserve)

·       J.J. Hammer asked what is the Township’s position on lighting the fields from dusk to around 9 pm in the summer?  Lights would be directional on the fields only.  J. Kupar stated our policy is no lights.  K. Bilar stated if you give us your schedule we will post it on the Township website.  J. Kupar thanked J.J. Hammer and C. Bell for their presentation and stated they are welcome to come to Township Board meetings anytime.

     b. Review and Act Upon Gray Willows Contract by Trotter & Assoc.:  Engineer Rob Linke stated this is the proposal for engineering services to design, permit, and oversee construction of drainage improvements at Gray Willows.  The four main components were discussed at the last meeting.  We will contact area contractors, evaluate their proposals, provide a recommendation, observe construction, conduct a punchlist inspection, and recommend final payout to each contractor.  We will maintain standard insurance policies including workers’ compensation, Commercial General Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability and Automobile liability of not less then One Million Dollars each occurrence and Two Million Dollars aggregate for bodily injury and property damage liability, including Contractual Liability coverage; and we agree to name the Township as an Additional Insured.  Umbrella Liability Insurance with limits of not less then Three Million Dollars each occurrence and Three Million Dollars aggregate, and Professional Liability Insurance with limits of two million dollars per claim.  We will provide the Township with certificates of insurance evidencing the above coverage.  Trotter engineers will be an independent contractor.  The Township will pay Trotter Engineers on a time and material basis with a not to exceed maximum in accordance with the following schedule:

·       Structural Evaluation of Driveway Bridge (15 hrs)                   $2,500.00

·       Engineering Design & Permitting Phase (28 hrs)                      $4,000.00

·       Construction Engineering Phase (16 hrs)                                   $2,000.00

·       Total – All Phases                                                                     $8,500.00

Project design is anticipated to be completed within 60 days.  Construction is planned for Spring 2012, but is dependent on receipt of regulatory permits.  The construction cost was estimated at $24,500.00 at the last Board meeting but this is flexible.  It could be between $18,000.00 and $24,500.00.  J. Kupar stated we discussed this at the last Board meeting.  The proposal tonight is for $8,500.00 for Trotter Engineers.  E. Murphy moved the Board approve funding up to $8,500.00 for the engineering contract for Gray Willows Farm 2012 drainage project.  T. Stutesman seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, Boissonnas, and Murphy voted aye.  Trustee VanZandt was absent.  The motion passed. 

     c. Review and Act Upon Spreading of Manure on Open Space Land:  K. Bilar stated we have a chance to review this each October.  If we don’t like it we give him 30 days notice to stop it.  Otherwise it is automatically renewed.  She spoke to the farmer.  He doesn’t mind manure being spread up there.  No action on this agenda item. 

     d. Review and Act Upon Town Levy Ordinance 11-05T:  C. Boissonnas moved the Board approve the Campton Township Tax Levy Ordinance NO. 11-05T.  T. Stutesman seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, Boissonnas, and Murphy voted aye.  Trustee VanZandt was absent.  The Ordinance passed. 

     e. Review and Act Upon Road District Levy Ordinance 11-03R:  C. Boissonnas moved the Board approve the Campton Township Road District Tax Levy Ordinance NO. 11-03R.  E. Murphy seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, Boissonnas, and Murphy voted aye.  Trustee VanZandt was absent.  The Ordinance passed. 

     f. Approve Proposed Dates for 2012 Board Meetings:  T. Stutesman moved the Board approve the proposed Board meeting dates for the year 2012.  C. Boissonnas seconded the motion.  In a voice vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, Boissonnas, and Murphy voted aye.  Trustee VanZandt was absent.  The motion passed. 

     g. Review and Act Upon Donation to Garfield Farm:  J. Kupar asked the Board to consider a donation to Garfield Farm in response to their letter that states in part: “ …with the help of over 3000 households who have spent 30 years working to preserve Garfield Farm, to educate our young people about the values that made America great…to be the model of how America’s story can be there for our children, our nation’s future…come see Garfield’s buildings, farm fields, prairies, and people, at 3N016 Garfield Road in Campton Township.”  C. Boissonnas moved the Board approve a donation of $500 to Garfield Farm.  T. Stutesman seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, Boissonnas, and Murphy voted aye.  Trustee VanZandt was absent.  The motion passed.   

10. Claims and Demands for Payment:

     a. Town Fund:  T. Stutesman moved the Board approve the claims and demands on the Town Fund.  E. Murphy seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, Boissonnas, and Murphy voted aye.  Trustee VanZandt was absent.  The motion passed. 

     b. Open Space Fund:  C. Boissonnas moved the Board approve the claims and demands on the Open Space Fund.  T. Stutesman seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, Boissonnas, and Murphy voted aye.  Trustee VanZandt was absent.  The motion passed. 

     c. Capital Improvement Fund:  T. Stutesman moved the Board approve the claims and demands on the Capital Improvement Fund.  E. Murphy seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, Boissonnas, and Murphy voted aye.  Trustee VanZandt was absent.  The motion passed. 

11. Executive Session – Review Executive Session Minutes; review whether to open Executive Session minutes; review whether to destroy Executive Session audio tape minutes older then 18 months:  T. Stutesman moved the Board go into Executive Session to review Executive Session minutes, to review whether to open Executive Session minutes, to review whether to destroy Executive Session audio tape minutes older then 18 months.  J. Kupar seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, Boissonnas, and Murphy voted aye.  Trustee VanZandt was absent.  The motion passed and Executive Session began at 9:30 p.m. 

12. New Business Continued – Supervisor Kupar reconvened the regular session. 

     a. Discuss and act upon approve Executive Session minutes:  T. Stutesman moved the Board approve the September 13, 2011 minutes.  C. Boissonnas seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, Boissonnas, and Murphy voted aye.  Trustee VanZandt was absent.  The motion passed.

     b. Discuss and act upon whether need for confidentiality still exists for Executive Session minutes:  T. Stutesman moved the Board open Executive Session minutes of June, August, and September 2011; and open all Executive Session minutes of 2009, and July 15, 2011 in redacted form, so that the minutes of properties purchased in those years are opened, and the minutes of properties not purchased in those years remain closed, and all minutes of litigation and personnel also remain closed.  The Board finds the need for confidentiality still exists for all other Executive Session minutes.  The motion was seconded by E. Murphy.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, Boissonnas, and Murphy voted aye.  Trustee VanZandt was absent.  The motion passed. 

     c. Discuss and act upon whether to destroy audio tape Executive Session minutes older then 18 months:  E. Murphy moved the Board approve destroying all audio tape Executive Session minutes older then 18 months.  C. Boissonnas seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, Boissonnas, and Murphy voted aye.  Trustee VanZandt was absent.  The motion passed. 

13. Adjournment:  T. Stutesman moved the Board adjourn the meeting.  C. Boissonnas seconded the motion.  In a voice vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, Boissonnas, and Murphy voted aye.  Trustee VanZandt was absent.  The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.  

                                                                               Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                               Richard Johansen
