The February 10, 2004 meeting was called to order by Supervisor Anderson at 7:35 p.m. at the Community Center.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Clerk Johansen called the roll with Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Judy, and Kupar present.  Trustee Gillen was absent. 


     Sheriff – Sergeant Collins:  Deputy Johnson filled in for Sergeant Collins and stated there were a couple minor accidents, and a couple of damaged mailboxes.  There is not much going on because of the weather.  Resident M. Tyrrell stated he understands the Forest Preserve property is open to snowmobiles west of here, except at night.  Deputy Johnson stated that is the responsibility of the Forest Preserve Police. 

     Highway Commissioner – Sam Gallucci:  Commissioner Gallucci stated it snowed 15 of the last 19 days, plus there has been blowing snow.  There were four trucks out today to keep the roads open.  The new snow melt material is working well.  When you put the material down on drifting snow, it gives the snow something to stick to, so it is easier to plow.  The motor fuel tax maps are done so we will get money in June to resurface roads.  We cut and chipped brush and trees on the east side of Swanberg Rd., and a large walnut tree on Beith Rd., picked up garbage in Township ditches on arterial roads, swept all small intersections in Township on a weekly basis, checked all stop signs in Township, replaced damaged or missing signs and installed a 20 MPR sign on Jens Jensen, repaired potholes with cold patch on Dillonfield Dr., patrolled roads throughout the Township for drifting snow, and checked mailboxes for snow plowing damage, installed new light fixtures in buildings A and B, and continued maintenance on Township vehicles and equipment.  J. Kupar stated there are a lot of accidents along Town Hall and Beith Roads.  Is that a priority?  Answer is there are six hills in the Township that are a priority, and that is one of them.  He gets detailed weather information at home at 4:00 a.m.  In the middle of the storm he had three trucks break down, and had to fix one at 2:00 a.m.  If we know snow is coming, the trucks are loaded with salt already, so we do not have to load first.  K. Judy stated Commissioner Gallucci was very helpful regarding the roads by Campton Square, because we did not know whose road it was, or whose responsibility it was to plow.  He figured out whose road it was, and it was plowed.  N. Anderson asked regarding accidents on Town Hall Rd., can you call the Sheriff?  Answer is they call all the time.  Their dispatchers call and tell where there is drifting snow.  Resident B. Adelman asked can the Township pick up and chip Christmas trees?  Answer is the problem is people do not completely remove ornaments and lights.  One of these will damage the chipper blade, and that is too expensive to replace.

     Assessor – Alan D. Rottmann:  Assessor Rottmann stated some pipes froze because the heat was turned off in the basement.  They were fixed.  The alarm service for fire and burglar alarm will be changed, and the cost will be $900.00 up front, one time cost.  The Board of Review hearings are done, and he is beginning the 2004 assessments. 

     Open Space Committee – Judy Hines:  Committee Chairperson Hines stated they are planning for each property already purchased.  They recommend a person to be responsible for each property.  This would be Open Space committee member M. Tyrrell on Pointer, Trustee Kupar on the Headwaters, and Supervisor Anderson on Corron.  They are working with Township C.P.A. McKay on budgets, and are looking for volunteers.  N. Anderson asked where are we with the Corron homestead renovation?  Chairperson Hines stated the planning book is here, and we need the Board to accept the plan to proceed.  It’s a budget issue.  Open Space Committee member J. Shouba stated we are looking for a grant to preserve the hired mans house.  But first we need a stabilization plan to seal it up to protect it from the weather. 

     Park and Recreation Committee – Jim Giase:  He is absent.  Per Supervisor Anderson, we will review this committee’s requests under old business. 

     Supervisor – Neal Anderson:  Supervisor Anderson stated we got a letter from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) confirming our OSLAD grant of $400,000 in matching funds for the Headwaters.  We are continuing to negotiate a new acquisition of 100 acres or so. There was one new EA case this month. 

Approval of Minutes:

     Board Meeting January 13, 2004:  R. Manser moved the Board approve the minutes of the meeting of January 13, 2004.  J. Kupar seconded the motion.  J. Kupar moved the minutes be amended by striking the sentence on page two, line 10, under Presentation from Bob Kay that stated “B. Kay stated we don’t look at anything above the St. Peter aquifer.”, and on line 23 “A data logger, for example.”, and add “a monitoring well” in place of data logger.  K. Judy seconded the amendment to the motion.  In a voice vote on the amendment to the motion, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  Trustee Gillen was absent.  The amendment to the motion passed.  In a voice vote on the motion, as amended, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Judy, and Kuper voted aye.  Trustee Gillen was absent.  The motion, as amended, passed. 

Citizens Comments:  K. Judy stated the Dundee Township Open Space Land Foundation is meeting February 28th. about Open Space.  We could attend. 

Planning Commission:

     Joint Planning Commission Minutes January 28, 2004:  Planning Commission Vice-Chairman Johansen stated Elburn sees the school districts as the natural boundary between itself and Lilly Lake.  It plans to grow in a box created by natural wetlands, Houghs Creek, and Pouley Road.  Their Plan Commission believes it is desirable to maintain open space between itself and Campton Township.  They do not want rooftops like Home Depot, and don’t plan on giving tax rebates to businesses to get them to come in.  Lily Lake incorporated in 1991 to keep the landfill away.  They are rural residential with a minimum lot size of one and one third acres.  They desire commercial on Routes 64 and 47.  They desire a boundary agreement with Elburn.  Lilly Lake has no community water or sewer.  They have been approached about a sewage lagoon, land application system, but the Board is split fifty-fifty on this.  Their planning authority goes one and one half miles outside their boundaries.  LaFox was not represented by an official governmental body, but by a citizens group that spent $5000 on a land use study to aid their ongoing negotiations with the developers that are proposing 2100 units on 1200 acres for the Grand Prairie development that the developers want to annex into St. Charles.  The citizens group proposes denser development in downtown LaFox which then goes out to larger lots in the surrounding area.  The LaFox development would hook into excess capacity of the Mill Creek sewage lagoons by providing Shodeen with land for land application.  The scaled down Grand Prairie would be on a sewage lagoon-land application system, although the sewage lagoon already exists in Mill Creek.  Mayor Willie of Elburn stated we should go slow with development because the capture from $1.00 of property tax is offset by $1.14 of cost increase, so its not even.  Supervisor Anderson stated we should notice each other of our Plan Commission meetings so we can stay in touch from time to time.  We should have this meeting once a year.

New Business – Presentation and Discussion for Action:

a.     Set Public Hearing Date for Third Amendment to the Campton Township Open Space Plan 6:45 p.m. March 9th 2004:  R. Manser moved the Board set a Public Hearing date for the Third Amendment to the Campton Township Open Space Plan for 6:45 p.m., March 9th, 2004.  The  motion was seconded by K. Judy.  On a voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  Trustee Gillen was absent.  The motion passed.

b.     Set Public Hearing Date for Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance General Town Fund 04-01T 7:00 p.m. March 9th 2004:  R. Manser moved the Board set a Public Hearing date for the Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance General Town Fund 04-01T for 7:00 p.m. March 9th 2004.  K. Judy seconded the motion.  On a voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  Trustee Gillen was absent.  The motion passed. 

c.      Set Public Hearing Date for Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance Road District Fund 04-01R 7:15 p.m. March 9th 2004:  R. Manser moved the Board set a Public Hearing date for the Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance Road District Fund 04-01R for 7:15 p.m., March 9th, 2004.  K. Judy seconded the motion.  On a voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  Trustee Gillen was absent.  The motion passed. 

d.     Review and Act Upon Final Agreement to Establish the Campton Township Headwaters Conservation Area Wetland Mitigation Bank:  R. Manser moved the Board approve the Final Agreement to Establish the Campton Township Headwaters Conservation Area Wetland Mitigation Bank.   J. Kupar seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  Trustee Gillen was absent.  The motion passed. 

e.      Review and Act Upon Grant Applications for Open Space Projects – Jack Shouba:  J. Shouba stated he is expecting grants from Kane County ($302,500 - approved), and OLT ($771,500 – verbal notice only, no official documentation, contract package needed to proceed).  Also the OSLAD Headwaters grant of $400,000 is awarded, and the Corron wetland restoration grant of $200,000 over a two year period, is pending.  The C2000 Corron wetland restoration grant application for $200,000 is a good possibility by the end of this month.  If we don’t get it, the C2000 grant application for $50,000 could replace it.  Its possible we could get both, but if so, we would have to match both.  We could use the $200,000 for the north part of Corron, and the $50,000 for the south part of the Headwaters.  $200,000 is the maximum grant, and $38,000 is the average award.  He is working with Laura Ross who recommends we apply for both, but keep one smaller.  Fens and savannas are globally rare, and we have both on Corron, along with historic buildings.  The Board would have to approve our request for the two C2000 grants, one for $200,000, and one for $50,000.  He also requests Board approval to seek a Kane County grant to stabilize the hired man’s house on Corron.  He asks for direction from the Board.  R. Manser moved the Township proceed with a C2000 grant request for $200,000, and a C2000 grant request for $50,000, and a grant request to stabilize the hired man’s house on Corron.  The motion was seconded by J. Kupar.  On a  voice vote, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  Trustee Gillen was absent.  The motion passed. 

f.       Review and Act Upon Resolution in Support of Safety Improvements on Randall Road in County of Kane:  K. Judy stated she got a call from Steve Cole, former School District 303 Trustee, about safety on Randall Road between Red Haw Lane and Silver Glen Road.  J. Kupar stated instead of a resolution couldn’t we write a letter of support for the Sheriff’s efforts to maintain safety on that stretch of road.  R. Manser stated he supported a reduction in speed limit.  County Board Representative Barb. Wojnicki stated KDOT is in favor of lowering the speed limit there, per Paul Rogowski.  It will be addressed at the next meeting of the Kane County Safety Committee, and she thinks the speed limit will be reduced.  Resident, Bruce Adelman, stated it is a matter of driver responsibility.  One stretch of road is too narrow a focus.  K. Judy moved the Board approve the Resolution in Support of Safety Improvements on Randall Road in County of Kane.  R. Manser seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  Trustee Gillen was absent.  The Resolution passed. 

Old Business – Presentation and Discussion for Action:

     Review and Act Upon Proposed Projects for Park from Park and Recreation Committee:  Mark Rottman and Forrest Lidel spoke in favor of doing the privacy structure, fence extension, grass seeding, and drainage tile at Brown Road Park.  Township Administrator Glas stated items one through three are to make field six a safe field in the spring for girls and boys.  N. Anderson stated item four is for field four, and could be done in house.  The only thing that is outside work is the fencing.  R. Manser moved the Board approve constructing a wood privacy structure near the existing bathrooms to house three regular and one handicap bathroom, in an amount, not to exceed $400.00.  The motion was seconded by J. Kupar.  On a roll call vote, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  Trustee Gillen was absent.  The motion passed.  R. Manser moved the Board approve installation of an outfield fence extension with a four foot gate in the amount of $5,580.00.  J. Kupar seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  Trustee Gillen was absent.  The motion passed.  R. Manser moved the Board approve slit seeding the outfield of Field # six in an amount not to exceed $600.00.  The motion was seconded by J. Kupar.  On a roll call vote, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  Trustee Gillen was absent.  The motion passed.  R. Manser moved the Board approve installation of drainage tile in field # 4, in an amount, not to exceed $3,500.00.  J. Kupar seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  Trustee Gillen was absent.  The motion passed. 

Bank Statements:  R. Manser moved the Board approve the bank statements.  J. Kupar seconded the motion.  On a voice vote, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  Trustee Gillen was absent.  The motion passed. 

Claims and Demands for Payment:

     Town Fund:  J. Kupar moved the Board approve the Claims and Demands on the Town Fund.  R. Manser seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  Trustee Gillen was absent.  The motion passed. 

     Open Space Fund:  K. Judy asked, regarding the billing for grant consultant Charles Schrader, is that Laura Ross?  Township C.P.A. McKay replied yes.  R. Manser moved the Board approve the Claims and Demands on the Open Space Fund.  J. Kupar seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  Trustee Gillen was absent.  The motion passed. 

     Park and Recreational Fund:  None.

Executive Session – Land Acquisition:  None.

Adjournment:  K. Judy moved the Board adjourn the meeting.  R. Manser seconded the motion.  On a voice vote, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  Trustee Gillen was absent.  The motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

                                                                             Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                              Richard Johansen
