The February 12, 2002 meeting was called to order by Supervisor Anderson at 7:30 p.m.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Clerk Johansen called the roll with Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar present. 


 Sheriff:  Sergeant Kevin Williams stated they put pins on map where criminal damage to property complaints and accidents happen.  He stated the roads were in good shape, thanks to the Highway Commissioner and his guys. There have been speeders on LaFox rd. that they have used wolf packs on.  At the sub-station in Wasco they look at target areas for community policing.  Sergeant Bob Baloun stated they will target areas of fatals like LaFox Rd.  The Sheriffs number at the Wasco sub-station is 587-1490 for constituents to call. 

Solid Waste District:  Nothing.

Highway Commissioner:  Commissioner Gallucci stated on January 21, 30 and 31, the road crews plowed and salted all Township roads.  On February 1 they cleaned all excess snow from the streets.  On January 25th intersections and roads were swept.  On February 7th and 8th Township roads were swept.  The road crew patched potholes in Cheval de Salle, Deer Run Creek, and Arbor Creek.  They trimmed back trees in the Windings, on Happy Hills Rd. and on Jens Jenson Lane.  Four snow plow trucks were repaired due to mechanical problems and over 60 street signs were replaced throughout the Township.  The Township will be getting a new $33,000 chipper from the County at no charge to the Township in time for the April pick-up.  In regard to lawns dug up by the side of the road by snow plows, the Highway department will fix it.  Dick Noreen and John Hubbard stated they weren’t plowed until late morning.  Denise Morgan and Greg Van Zandt stated they were plowed early and got to work just fine.  Bruce Adderman stated he left at 9:30 a.m. with one lane clear.  There is room for improvement but it was a difficult snowfall.  Al Rottman stated there is a big difference between the old and new Road Commissioners.  The old Road Commissioner didn’t plow the Assessor’s parking lot at all.  He had to pay a private contractor to get it done.  The new Road Commissioner plows it early and well.

Assessor:  Assessor Rottmann stated the deadline for filing appeals was last Friday.  There were no appeals filed. 

Supervisor:  Supervisor Anderson stated the well contractor’s meeting was moved to March 5th.  See Barb’s memo if you are going.  We hired Ken Alles as our Open Space Administrator.  He took Ken and Bill Davis of the Conservation Foundation around to show them properties.  He met with the Budget and Finance Committee.  We will set a hearing date for next month.  We need one more meeting first.  He met with the Historic Committee.  There were two more EA cases this month.  Julia and he went to Springfield to present our OLT grant request to the state for the Corron property.  We are asking for two million and the Forest Preserve is asking for just under two million.  Campton Township is announcing its plan to acquire the Corron Farm as the first purchase under its Open Space Plan.  A contract will be presented to the Board and will next be presented to the electors at the April Town Meeting. 

Approval of Minutes:

Board Meeting January 8-10, 2002:  D. Gillen moved to approve the minutes of the Board meeting of January 8, 2002 and its continuation to January 10, 2002.  R. Manser seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.                      

Planning Commission:  Nothing.

Citizens’ Comments:

Clerk:  Clerk Johansen stated he provided the Board with copies of the Dukane Legislative Position Paper that he received.  He calls the Board’s attention to two priorities which are implementing sensible growth, and funding the drinking water mandate.  Second, is a notice the

Clerk received from the Kane County Development Department giving the date of March 20th for a workshop on planning for a sustainable water supply in Kane County.  This is in cooperation with the DuKane Valley Council and it is at the Mill Creek Clubhouse.  The Development Department phone number is 208-5350.  Third, is a flyer the Clerk received from the mental health organization that made recent presentations to the Board that announces its number one goal is to schedule a 708 referendum in Campton Township by fall 2004. 

New Business:

 Chris Schmidt-Eagle Scout Project:  Chris Schmidt of Troop 25 states his service project is to build a circular set of benches as a seating area to allow people to appreciate a Viet Nam veterans  memorial with the flag pole at the center of a 45’ by 30’ pad.  He asks for approval and for funding.  He has a 10% discount at Deckyard.  This can be two or four benches depending on funding with an engraved plack attached to the benches as another phase.  Supervisor Anderson stated this building was an American Legion and this project continues the plan for a memorial here.  County Board Representative Barb Wojnicki stated the County can tell us the names of any diseased Viet Nam War veterans from Campton Township.  R.Manser moved the Board authorize Chris Schmidt to proceed with construction of two benches.  The motion was seconded by D. Gillen and passed unanimously.  R. Manser moved the Township provide funding for two benches in the amount of $480.00.  The motion was seconded by J. Kupar.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The motion passed.         

Set Public Hearing Dates for Budget Ordinances/  March 12, 7:00 p.m.:  D. Gillen moved the Board set the Public Hearing date for the Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance No. 02-1T-A , General Town Fund for 7:00 p.m. on March 12, 2002, at Town Hall, and the Public Hearing date for the Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance No. 02-1R, Road and Bridge fund for 7:15 p.m. on March 12, 2002, at Town Hall.  The motion was seconded by R. Manser, and passed unanimously. 

 Proposal for New Computer Equipment and Support:  Mike Jiminski spoke for In House Computer Services.  He founded the company and has 18 years experience.  He assessed the hardware and software at Town Hall and the Assessor’s office.  He proposes to update us to the same system the Town Garage is using and states we will probably need to network the different locations.  Clerk Johansen stated he needs to be included in that, if it is done, in order to be able to attach the minutes to e-mails to Julia at Town Hall, and for other business.  Mr. Jiminski offers 4 hours, same day response, if we have computer problems.  K. Judy moved the Board table New Computer Equipment and Support.  The motion was seconded by R. Manser and passed unanimously. 

Lease for Wasco Sanitary District/Ball Fields off LaFox Road:  R. Manser moved the Board approve the lease as stated, but give Supervisor Anderson the authority to negotiate a three year extension.  The motion was seconded by D. Gillen.  K. Judy moved to amend the motion by deleting the words “as stated.”  The amendment was seconded by J. Kupar and passed unanimously.  The motion, as amended, passed unanimously. 

 Approval of Funds for Historic Photo Project:  D. Gillen stated there will be receipts for the photo project.  Greg Van Zandt stated Judy Hines of the historic committee is in charge of the photo project.  She will call him and D. Johansen for the project.  D. Gillen moved the Board approve an amount not to exceed $300.00 for the historic photo project.  The motion was seconded by R. Manser.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The motion passed. 

Old Business: 

Well Study Proposal:  John Kupar introduced Bob Kay with USGS.  Bob stated USGS wants to complement what the County is doing with the State with a study that is more detailed and specific to Campton Township.  Most residential wells that penetrate bedrock are cased only to the bedrock which gives a conduit for water flow.  We need to know the amount of water in by recharge and the amount of water out by use.  We gather data on hydrogeology, determine the direction of flow, estimate hydraulic conductivity, determine recharge rate.  We then develop a computer model of groundwater flow system to predict the effects of changes by subdivision growth.  We have maps now that show where water is being drawn out faster then recharged.  The computer is a bunch of math equations that are being solved with a grid system.  You run the computer model to get simulations of water levels. You can predict the effects of various scenarios on water supply.  You can predict draw down from putting in so many subdivision wells at this location and depth, or from drought where there is no recharge, so water is only drawn down.  Bob’s boss is willing to commit 45K to this fiscal year, which ends September 1st.  If our Board can agree by March 1st., we will have 45K from USGS.  If we wait until April 1st., we will have a commitment from USGS for 25K,but we could still get the 45K, but its not guaranteed.  If we commit to year one, we pay our share for the first year, but we must commit to all three years of the project.  Later funding from USGS is not set in stone.  Funding help from them for this year is.  Its $67,000.00 cost to us for the first year.  There is no commitment from the County to help yet.  If we wait until October 1st.,the USGS fiscal year starts again, and we could get more then 45K from them.  Barb said if she meets with McCoy on Saturday, and he says the County can help fund this, can we wait till the 2nd. Tuesday next month to approve this with USGS?  Neal asked Bob if we can get approval by the second Tuesday next month, will your boss wait to commit the 45K?  Bob Kay said he can’t commit for his boss, but says he thinks so.  Neal said we will try this.  No motion is necessary.  Its still on the agenda.  Everybody keep spearheading what you are spearheading. 

Campton Township Community Park:

Park Update – Final billing packet/payout request submitted:  Per Township Administrator Glas, no approval is necessary.  We are waiting for the $200,000.00 check.  This will complete phase 2 construction on the park. 

Bank Statements:  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the bank statements.  The motion was seconded by J. Kupar, and passed unanimously. 

Claims and Demands for Payment:

 Town Fund:  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the claims and demands on the Town Fund.  The motion was seconded by R. Manser.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The motion passed. 

 Open Space Fund:  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the claims and demands on the Open Space Fund.  The motion was seconded by K. Judy.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The motion passed. 

Capital Fund:  Nothing.

Parks and Recreational Fund:  Nothing.

Add Approval of PMA to Agenda: 

R. Manser moved to add the approval of PMA to the agenda.  The motion was seconded by D. Gillen and passed unanimously.  R. Manser stated we can stick with the original agreement the Board approved with PMA.  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the Recommended Investment Schedule provided by PMA Financial Inc. dated 2-12-2002.  K. Judy seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The motion passed. 

Open Space:

Approval for Special Joint Meeting / Set Date:  Township Administrator Glas recommended a Special joint Board/Open Space Committee meeting for late February to amend the Open Space Plan.  K. Judy stated we need to notice a hearing on amending the Open Space Plan, but the Special joint Meeting before that should include the Board, the Open Space Committee, the Conservation Foundation, the Kane County Forest Preserve, the Campton Township Planning Commission, and the Kane County Development Department, Director of Planning.  D. Gillen moved we have a Special Board meeting on February 25th, at 7:00 p.m., at the Community Center.  The motion was seconded by J. Kupar, and passed unanimously.

Executive Session:  R. Manser moved the Board go into Executive Session to discuss property acquisition and to invite Ed Malek, Barb Wojnicki, Julia Glas, and Chuck Thomas.  D. Gillen seconded the motion which passed unanimously at 10:13 p.m. 

Supervisor Anderson reconvened the regular meeting at 11:35 p.m.


R. Manser moved to adjourn.  D. Gillen seconded the motion, and the motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 11:40 p.m. 


Respectfully Submitted,

Richard Johansen
