The January 14, 2003 meeting was called to order by Supervisor Anderson at 7:32 p.m., at the Community Center.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Clerk Johansen called the roll with Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar present. 


     Sheriff – Sergeant Baloun:  Not here yet.  D. Gillen said there has been a lot of vandalism recently. 

     Highway Commissioner – Sam Gallucci:  Commissioner Gallucci said vandals took Bolcum Road signs all the way to Randall Road.  Those in Campton Township were replaced by the road crew.  The road crew was out plowing and salting Christmas Eve and into Christmas Day keeping roads clear, with response to snowfalls since as additional snowfalls have occurred, the road crew has been keeping up with trash pickup along Township roads and with tree trimming to prevent potential damage to vehicles, the road crew took out five willow trees and roots that got in drainage pipes causing flooding problems in the Windings, the Winchester Way ditching and tree removal project was completed allowing water to move under the bridge, trees and ground stumps were removed from the Township right of way at 5N431 Harvest Lane with spring follow-up to include rodding of 110 feet of drainage ditch and cross culvert under Harvest Lane, motor fuel tax maps are being revised to accommodate additional roads that have been dedicated to the Township that will ensure proper tax revenue to the Highway District to pay for summer resurfacing of roads, several vehicles were called into the Kane County Sheriff’s office to be towed as they were blocking the roadway, numerous culvert permits continue to be issued for new development, we have enough salt for ice control for the rest of the winter, and Commissioner Gallucci and staff will go to Springfield to get the rest of the grant money ($15,000.00) for the well that was dug to replace the one that failed. 

     Assessor: - Alan D. Rottmann:  Assessor Rottmann thanked Highway Commissioner Gallucci for plowing the Community Center parking lot.  He said due to vandalism he has ordered a security camera for the Community Center, and we will have it next month.  The 2002 assessment appeal process is over, and he is starting the 2003 reassessment process. 

     Supervisor – Neal Anderson:  Supervisor Anderson thanked Commissioner Gallucci for installing traffic direction signs for the new Community Center parking lot.  He said we got a $750,000.00 grant from the State of Illinois, and it looks good for getting a one million grant for Open Space at Prairie Lakes.  The Township closed on the Shodeen Open Space property.  There is a building there we can use in the future.  We will also apply for a grant on the Shodeen property. 

Approval of Minutes:

     Board Meeting December 10, 2002:  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the minutes of the meeting of December 10, 2002.  R. Manser seconded the motion which passed unanimously by voice vote.

     Special Board Meeting December 16, 2002:  R. Manser moved the Board approve the minutes of the meeting of December 16, 2002.  J. Kupar seconded the motion.  R. Manser moved the motion in the minutes of the meeting of December 16th be amended to say “make application to the State of Illinois for grants of 1.5 million dollars.”  The amendment was seconded by D. Gillen.  In a voice vote on the amendment to the motion, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The amendment of the motion passed.  In a voice vote on the motion, as amended, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The motion, as amended, passed.

Planning Commission:

     A.  Rezoning of Fox Creek Subdivision:  Chuck Hanlon stated this project is not part of the global solution.  Open Space is 26 acres Forest Preserve or 30% of the property.  Private Open Space is 20 acres or 22% of the property.  The Development Committee gave unanimous approval.  The Campton Plan Commission gave unanimous denial.  Thursday this week it goes before the Zoning Commission.  It will be before the County Development Committee the third Tuesday of February.  D. Johansen asked if the old sewage holding tank on the property was removed.  Hanlon said he thought it was removed.  He said there is no spray area on this site.  K. Judy asked why there is no spray area here.  You are putting 90 more homes on the W.S.D. system and the site is not carrying its own spray area.  Chuck said the spraying will be on Bergland.  N. Anderson asked if this project stood alone how much irrigation area would it require.  Chuck said it would need about 7 acres of irrigation because 9 to 11 lots need one acre of irrigation.  To make this stand alone we could use the five acre ball field and about three more acres.  R. Manser stated we were told last time you weren’t here because you were waiting for the global solution.  Pat Griffin stated this is consistent with the global solution.  N. Anderson asked would B&B delay Fox Creek to facilitate Prairie Lakes.  Griffin said no, we don’t want this project to wait on Prairie Lakes.  If Brauer is denied the global solution fails.  C. Hanlon said the developer dedicating the Open Space to the Forest Preserve for free is what separated this from the global solution.  Griffin said they are happy to dedicate the Open Space land to the Township or the Forest Preserve.  N. Anderson said the Plan Commission recommends deny it.  What does Barb think?  It goes to the Zoning Board of Appeals Thursday night and the Township normally sends its comments then; and after that to the Development Committee on the third Tuesday in February, and then the County Board.  R. Manser said it’s important for the Board to maintain its input, and not pass.  Barb said we have until the morning of the second Tuesday in March to withdraw our requirement for a ¾ majority.  D. Gillen moved the Board adopt the Plan Commission’s recommendation that the Brauer rezoning request be denied.  The motion was seconded by K. Judy.  K. Judy moved the Board amend the motion by directing the Supervisor to write and communicate a letter to the Zoning Board of Appeals in time for its Thursday meeting this week, that invokes our ¾ majority requirement within 30 days on Fox Creek.  The amendment to the motion was seconded by R. Manser and passed unanimously by voice vote.  In a roll call vote on the motion, as amended, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The motion, as amended, passed.

Sheriff – Sergeant Baloun:  Sergeant Baloun apologized for not being here last fall.  It was because of six weeks training as canine trainer for explosives and narcotics.  Sergeant Kevin Williams recovered five pounds of marijuana in an arrest.  The Sheriff apprehended juveniles who are allegedly responsible for the vandalism in Fox Mill.  They are local youth.  Felony charges are being requested because damage to one house is several thousand dollars.  Sergeant Kevin Williams is moving to another shift and Sergeant Tom Rosebush will take his place here.  He requests we fax a list of current Board members and meeting dates to (630) 587-1459.  What are the areas to cover for quad. runners?  N. Anderson said the Forest Preserve trail and Brown Road Park.  Sergeant Baloun added they will go to every subdivision and contact people to be sure they want to participate in Neighborhood Watch.     

Citizens Comments:  Joe Brodner, President of Wasco Baseball, spoke of his concern for active recreation space.  He wants us to start working on that.  They went from 1,200 to 1,600 players this year.      

New Business – Presentation and Discussion for Action:

A.     Review and Act Upon Funding of Lazarus House:  Our accountant, Louise McKay, stated we have contributed $2000.00 the last three years but in this years budget we have spent $1,700.00 so far.  Administrator Glas stated they are servicing Campton residents.  It has been .05% of the budget.  Should we increase out budget to them?  D. Gillen said the Board should direct Louise to determine the amount to donate for community projects.  All agreed this is the Board’s direction.  K. Judy moved the Board table funding of Lazarus House.  The motion was seconded by R. Manser and passed unanimously by voice vote. 

B.      Review and Act Upon Funding of Conservation Foundation:  D. Gillen moved the Board pay $200.00 annual membership dues to the Conservation Foundation.  The motion was seconded by R. Manser.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The motion passed. 

C.     Review and Act Upon Funding of Garfield Farm:  D. Gillen moved the Board donate $1000.00 to Garfield Farm for purposes of restoration of the 1840’s barn.  The motion was seconded by R. Manser.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The motion passed. 

D.     Review and Act Upon Funding of Community Projects:  Per D. Gillen this is in regard to funding of Red Cross programs at the  Community Center.  There is no money, but it was the Board’s direction we let the Red Cross use the building for free.        

E.     Review and Act Upon Resolution for the 2nd. Amendment to the Open Space Plan:  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the Resolution Recommending Second Amendment to the Open Space Plan.  R. Manser seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The Resolution passed.  R. Manser moved the Board approve the Resolution Adopting the Second Amendment to the Open Space Plan.  J. Kupar seconded the motion to adopt the resolution.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy; and Kupar voted aye.  The Resolution was adopted. 

F.     Review and Act Upon Resolution for Prairie Lakes:  Per N. Anderson, this is for the Board to approve the set – aside of 2.8 million dollars for Prairie Lakes.  K. Judy moved the Board approve the “Resolution Setting Aside Open Space Funds to Purchase Certain Lands at Prairie Lakes” that was prepared by Township attorney, John Noble, but to eliminate all references to Prairie Lakes in the Resolution except in the footnote, and add to the footnote “commonly known as Prairie Lakes”, and to strike “ up to 105 acres of the Prairie Lakes”, in the second sentence on page two.  The motion for the Board to approve the Resolution was seconded by R. Manser.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The Resolution was adopted.  See Attachment to the minutes for the Resolution. 

G.    Review and Act Upon Motion for Corlands to Continue to Hold Property:  R. Manser moved that the Board modify the period for which it will authorize Corlands to hold the portion of the Shodeen property it purchased on the Township’s behalf from the previously authorized 90 days to be “up to one year after the date of closing”.  The motion was seconded by J. Kupar.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Kupar voted aye.  Trustee Judy voted no.  The motion passed. 

Old Business – Presentation and Discussion for Action:  None.

Campton Township Community Park:  Nothing.

Bank Statements:  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the bank statements.  R. Manser seconded the motion which passed unanimously by voice vote. 

Claims and Demands for Payment:

A.     Town Fund:  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the claims and demands on the Town Fund.  R. Manser seconded the motion.  K. Judy asked what is the $70,000 closing bill from Corlands?  N. Anderson stated that when the plat of survey came back we found we got 2 more acres then we thought, so the closing cost was $42,000 more then we anticipated for the additional 2 acres.  In a roll call vote on the motion to approve the claims and demands on the Town Fund, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The motion passed. 

B.      Open Space Fund:  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the claims and demands on the Open Space Fund.  R. Manser seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The motion passed. 

C.     Park and Recreational Fund: - None. 

Executive Session: - Personnel and Land Acquisition:  R. Manser moved the Board go into Executive Session for land acquisition, and invite Staff members Ken Alles (Open Space), Township Administrator Glas, and Open Space Committee members Barb Wojnicki, Chuck Reed, Al Rottmann, Mike Tyrrell, Judy Hines, Steve Holtsford, and Jack Shouba.  The motion was seconded by D. Gillen and passed unanimously at 10:00 p.m.

     Supervisor Anderson reconvened the regular meeting at 10:21 p.m. 

Act Upon Any Appropriate Motions or Resolutions as a Result of Executive Session Discussions:  Nothing.

Adjournment:  D. Gillen moved to adjourn the Board meeting.  R. Manser seconded the motion.  On a voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The meeting adjourned at 10:22 p.m. 

                                                                             Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                             Richard Johansen, Clerk