The March 11, 2003  meeting was called to order by Supervisor Anderson at 7:32 p.m. at the Community Center.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Clerk Johansen called the roll with Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy present.  Trustee Kupar was absent. 


     Sheriff – Sergeant Baloun:  Sergeant Baloun stated the Township is proactive about neighborhood watches.  The Sheriff caught a burglar with this type of help.  He asked the Township to put neighborhood watch in the Township newsletter, and to send a copy of the newsletter to the Sheriff’s substation.  They are looking for volunteers to work at the Sheriff’s substation to help with routine activities.  The Sheriff is soliciting funds for the Special Olympics.  Their goal is $15,000.00.  Campton Township is the busiest in terms of traffic, burglaries, etc.  He will take a felony theft report from Highway Commissioner Gallucci regarding the stolen traffic signs.  Assessor Rottmann stated two signs were stolen from the Community Center parking lot, a $600.00 light was broken, and someone ran over the mailbox.  Sergeant Baloun said the Sheriff will prosecute if the person is caught. 

     Highway Commissioner – Sam Gallucci:  Commissioner Gallucci said there has been a lot of sign vandalism recently.  Our traffic signs are marked Campton Township and we will prosecute if we find them hanging in a garage, for example.  D. Gillen asked about a recent fire, and Commissioner Gallucci stated the firemen used water and the Highway District stood by with salt to preserve road safety.  Sergeant Baloun said traffic control will come out in that situation too.  Commissioner Gallucci said the highway crew checks all stop signs in the Township weekly.  They replaced two Stop signs, one School Bus Stop sign, one Yield sign, and  one post.  They plowed and salted on five days in February, including drifting snow on February 25th, and used a back-hoe to chip out ice which was causing flooding on S. Bridle Creek Cr.  They dumped and washed all trucks after each snow fall, and cleaned up the salt shed, the shop drain and drainage tile.  They cut and chipped brush and trees on Campton Hills Road, along with trees on Anderson, Willow Brook, Town Hall, LaFox and Whitney.  The road crew shoveled up excess salt on Deer Run and Buckskin; picked up garbage on Anderson, Bolcum, Brown, Old Burlington, Denker, Wooley, Welter, and Beith.  They patched pot holes on Anderson Road, and cleaned up broken and loose gravel, and asphalt, at the entrance and exit to Pinehaven Subdivision.  Commissioner Gallucci and two employees attended KDOT Paving and Striping Seminars.  The road crew repaired cylinders on the grader, and recycled the old cylinder, sharpened and serviced the chain and pole saws, installed new blades and curb guard on truck #4, changed electrical parts on truck #’s 9 & 11, repaired the salt spreader and hydraulic coupler on truck #3, hung lights in building A, and cleaned and painted the employee break room.   

     Assessor – Alan D. Rottmann:  Assessor Rottmann stated the County Assessor  sent out postcards for homeowners to return claiming their residential Homestead Limited Exemption.  It is important to send these cards in to reduce your property taxes.  Assessor Rottmann has extra cards at his office for homeowners to use if they misplaced theirs, but they will need to fill in their parcel number.  D. Gillen asked what if the card gets misplaced in the mail ?  A. Rottmann said you could go through court to get a Certificate of Error to get the money back. Clerk Johansen stated he called the number on the bottom of the card to ask about this, but he couldn’t get through.  A. Rottmann said the phones were probably jammed because the cards were just sent out.  If you wait awhile, you will probably get through.   He suggested we put this information in the Township newsletter in order to get the word out.  Supervisor Anderson asked about the camera for the parking lot.  Answer was the camera is on order. 

     Supervisor – Neal Anderson:  Supervisor Anderson stated we have a new Executive Session Policy as described in two handouts:

Only Board members are allowed into Executive Session.  The only exception, is to ask certain persons that are directly related to that discussion, be included. 

Clerk invited only for minutes.

Board members are allowed 3 minutes per subject matter. 

After discussion, Board can offer direction to Supervisor. 

Any action proposed from closed session will  be put on the agenda at the next regular Board meeting. 

The second handout described the functions of the Township Plan Commission. 

Approval of Minutes:

     Board Meeting February 24, 2003:  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the minutes of the meeting of February 24, 2003.  R. Manser seconded the motion.  D. Gillen moved the minutes be amended on page two under Act Upon Any Appropriate Motions or Resolutions …, by deleting “include the following recommendations and concerns:” and replacing it with “subject to the developer:” ; and changing the number “5” to the number “4”; and changing “R. Manser” to “D. Gillen” in paragraph four.  The motion to amend the minutes was seconded by R. Manser.  In a voice vote on the motion to amend the minutes, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye.  Trustee Kupar was absent.  The motion to amend the minutes passed.  In a voice vote on the motion, as amended, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye.  Trustee Kupar was absent.  The motion to approve the minutes, as amended, passed. 

Planning Commission:  Nothing

Citizens Comments:  Ron Petrucci stated he was disappointed because the only people that showed up for the Budget Committee meeting were Campton Township’s CPA, Louise McKay, Joe Garbarski, and himself.  Barb Wojnicki, Campton Township’s County Board Representative, stated Kane County State’s Attorney Meg Gorecki addressed the Kane County Board regarding the Open Meetings Act.  She stated the States’ Attorney will hold a seminar on the Open Meetings Act for public officials on Tuesday, April 29th, from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m., at the Kane County Judicial Center Multipurpose Room.  It is requested we register by calling (630) 208-5320.  Tom Rosensteel is looking for another adjustment to the Campton Crossings PUD.  He wants another dry cleaner approved for there.  The Elgin Chamber of Commerce recently gave awards to women in business, including our friend and neighbor, Judy Hines. 

New Business – Presentation and Discussion for Action:

A.     Review and Act Upon Auditor for 2002 – 2003 fiscal year to Place on Agenda for Annual Town Meeting:  D. Gillen moved the Board place Crandall, Crandall, & Baert, P.C. on the agenda of the Annual Town Meeting on April 8th, 2003.  R. Manser seconded the motion.  K. Judy asked CPA, Louise McKay, if she had gotten together with the auditor.  Answer was they met and are on the same page.  In a voice vote on the motion, Supervisor Anderson, and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye.  Trustee Kupar was absent.  The motion passed. 

B.       Review and Act Upon Joining the Prairie Alliance for Sensible Transportation:  N. Anderson stated this is to exchange information about the outer beltway.  He read the purposes of the group that were stated on the handout, and said it should be a Board action if we join the group.  There is no cost to join.  K. Judy moved Campton Township join the Prairie Alliance for Sensible Transportation.  D. Gillen seconded the motion.  On a voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye.  Trustee Kupar was absent.  The motion passed. 

C.     Review and Advise Staff on Budgets for Fiscal Year 2003 – 2004:  Township CPA, Louise McKay, asked for input on the budget.  It is a working document.  R. Manser stated the township has made vast leaps in the budget.   It is much better then before.  We need to proceed with the water study, and are looking for grant proceeds to reduce any deficit, so that we approve a deficit budget on a one time basis.  Louise said a lot of things in the budget were placed in “other”, and these needed reclassification.  She reclassified them in the appropriate identifiable categories.  R. Manser asked can we go from a March 1st fiscal year to June 1st  ?  Louise said she discussed this with the auditor because there has to be a three month interim budget.  Township Administrator Glas stated most townships follow an April 1st to March 31st budget.  Township Attorney Noble advised her that changing this was not a good idea.  D. Gillen asked should we increase culvert fees ?  Highway Commissioner Gallucci stated we are about in the middle on this.  East of here is higher, and west is lower.  He is not advocating raising them now.  Assessor Rottmann stated this is income to the Highway Department, not the Township.  The consensus seemed to be the Board was comfortable with the $90,000.00 water study in the budget.  D. Gillen thanked Louise for her work on the budget. 

D.     Review and Act Upon Motion to Adopt Resolution to Encourage LaFox Incorporation:  N. Anderson read the Resolution Supporting Incorporation of LaFox.  Jim Morgan of Dillenfield gave a presentation of his groups continuing lobbying efforts in Springfield for a law that would permit the LaFox settlement to incorporate.  D. Gillen moved the Board adopt “Resolution No. 03-2T Supporting the Organization and Incorporation of the Municipality of LaFox”, but strike the words “Roosevelt Road” from paragraph three.  K. Judy seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye.  Trustee Kupar was absent.  The motion passed. 

E.     Review and Act Upon Motion to Rescind Letter to Kane County Requiring ¾ Majority Vote to Approve Fox Creek Rezoning:  D. Gillen stated residents of  Wasco told her they wanted two items added:  for the developer to escrow enough money for sidewalks on both sides of Old LaFox Road to Route 64; and for a streetlight on lot #19, and one on the park area.  Pat Griffin speaking for B&B Enterprises stated they would escrow the money for these things.  K. Judy stated Plan Commission concerns were to include PUD covenants that were consistent with a rural small town so Wasco wasn’t dwarfed.  Griffin said they delivered covenants to the Plan Commission.  K. Judy said the density is not feathered out.  K. Judy stated it’s unacceptable to expand the WSD service area there because of the water quality.  Griffin said the radium will be fixed by then.  K. Judy stated there is no provision for on site spraying.  Will there be irrigation capacity there?  What does the School District say ?  The issue is it adds 180 students.  Griffin said the School District was notified but made no comment.  R. Manser moved to rescind an earlier motion to adopt the Planning Commission’s recommendation to deny zoning approval for Fox Creek and retract the letter that was sent requiring ¾’s majority vote from Kane County, and to send a letter to Kane County Development Department recommending approval of Fox Creek with these following recommendations and concerns.  The motion was seconded by D. Gillen.  D. Gillen moved to amend the motion subject to the developer:

1.      Escrow funds sufficient to complete sidewalks on the east and west sides of Old LaFox Road up to Route 64. 

2.      Create an open area behind lots 78 through 82 that is donated to Campton Township with park-light plantings provided by the developer for passive recreation. 

3.      Lot six is to have a 20 foot setback from the house to the north for more compatible home size.

4.      Approximately 26 acres of Open Space donated to the Forest Preserve for passive uses.

5.      Addition of two street lights, one at lot #19, and the other on the park open area behind lot #78.

            The amendment of the motion was seconded by R. Manser.  In a roll call on the amendment of the motion Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Gillen voted aye.  Trustee Judy voted no.  Trustee Kupar was absent.  The amendment of the motion passed.  In a roll call on the motion, as amended, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Gillen voted aye.  Trustee Judy voted no.  Trustee Kupar was absent.  The motion, as amended, passed. 

Old Business – Presentation and Discussion for Action:  None

Campton Township Community Park:

    A.  Review and Act Upon Funding Membership for NRPA:  Township Administrator Glas stated Dave Corron would be a certified safety inspector for park safety.  N. Anderson stated our insurance requires this.  There is a certification process to inspect swings and slides, etc.  This organization would help with that.  R. Manser  moved the Board approve the expenditure of $350.00 for membership in the National Recreation and Park Association.  D. Gillen seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye.  Trustee Kupar was absent.  The motion passed. 

Bank Statements:  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the bank statements.  R. Manser seconded the motion.  On a voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy  voted aye.  Trustee Kupar was absent.  The motion passed. 

Claims and Demands for Payment:

     Town Fund:  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the claims and demands on the Town Fund.  R. Manser seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye.  Trustee Kupar was absent.  The motion passed. 

     Open Space Fund:  R. Manser moved the Board approve the claims and demands on the Open Space Fund.  K. Judy seconded the motion.  K. Judy asked Township CPA, Louise McKay, if her salary is 1/3 Town, 1/3 Road District, and 1/3 Open Space; and is that how she splits her time ?  Answer was yes.  In a roll call vote, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye.  Trustee Kupar was absent.  The motion passed. 

Executive Session – Land Acquisition:  D. Gillen moved the Board go into Executive Session to discuss land acquisition.  R. Manser seconded the motion.  On a voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye.  Trustee Kupar was absent.  The motion passed at 9:10 p.m.

Adjournment:  Supervisor Anderson reconvened the regular session at 9:51 p.m.  D. Gillen moved the Board adjourn.  R. Manser seconded the motion.  On a voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye.  Trustee Kupar was absent.  The motion passed and the Board adjourned at 9:51 p.m. 

                                                                             Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                             Richard Johansen
