The May 13, 2003 meeting was called to order by Supervisor Anderson at 7:39 p.m. at the Community Center.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Clerk Johansen called the roll with Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Gillen, Judy, and Kupar present.  Trustee Manser arrived at 8:05 p.m. 



     USGS – Bob Kay (Water Study):  County Board Representative Barb Wojnicki stated we have a visitor, Lee Barrett, who is an engineer with experience in this field around the world.  The County is doing their study now, and this is the second study for Campton.  Bob Kay of the USGS spoke of the geological assessment they have been doing of Campton Township for the last year.  They study drillers’ logs, what geological units are used, at what depths, what the draw-down is, and how much water there is.  They found the units used are:

1.   Glacial deposits or unconsolidated drift:  This unit appears o.k., or unchanged since 1995.  Twenty percent of the residents use this aquifer. 

2.     Shallow bedrock where most wells are at 200 to 250 feet deep.  This unit is not o.k., because water levels have dropped an average of five feet.  Twenty percent of the residents use this aquifer. 

3.     Deep bedrock down to the Galena Platville where most wells go to 500 to 600 feet deep.  This is 50 percent of Township residents, and we do not know yet if there is a problem there.  That awaits further study. 

4.     St. Peter Sandstone which is 700 feet deep and deeper.  Water levels are good here although there is a radium issue, and it includes 10 percent of the Township residents, including Fox Mill.   

     They measured water use per household which is 300 gallons per day used by every household in Campton Township.  They measured 220 well water levels and found water level altitude is decreasing from west to east.  From 1995 to 2002 water levels are down five feet which means more water is being taken out then being put in.  The Northeast part of the Township has the biggest problem.

     USGS is developing a computer model that simulates  how water flows through the Township that will tell us what will happen if we put a development in a certain place.  They will begin to run the model in late fall or early winter so when a subdivision applies we will know what the effect on water will be.  In the Windings they want to put two monitoring wells.  They want to talk to us about that. 

     Jim Giassi asked how long does it take for rainfall to reach the lowest aquifer.  Answer is it takes thousands of years for the deepest.  The shallow ones are right away.  Rob Linke asked does this model take into account outside of Campton Township.  Answer is it focuses on Campton.  The County model is best adapted to focus on that.  Larger areas are less accurate because of scale effects.  The Campton model will be applicable to all aquifers in Campton.  Question is if there are developments in Hampshire do you exclude that.  Answer is the state survey model looks at that.  B. Wojnicki asked what was the deepest fall in the shallow bedrock. Answer 30 feet.  Jim Hopkins asked what is the significance of the five foot drop.  Answer is it’s a cause for concern.  You can plan on dropping pumps at some time, or drilling a deeper well.  There are places where the shallow bedrock aquifer will disappear.  Mike McNamara asked what is the shallow bedrock depth.  Answer is 200 to 250 feet.

     K. Judy stated 20% of the wells have a problem then.  Is most of your data coming from shallow drift and glacial.  Answer yes, 80 %.  Are you looking for volunteers.  Yes to volunteer wells for data.  How will the County interface with the Township.  We gave the County our permission slips.  We get data from the County including water withdrawals from the surrounding area like Geneva and Elburn.  D. Gillen stated St. Peters is used by Fox Mill and Elburn but the main deep aquifer for us is the St. Peter.  It takes 1000 years to replenish but its not an infinite resource because if its over utilized, then its gone.  Then you ask do you go to municipal wells.  B. Kay stated water level drop tends to be steep in the early stages and then go into gradual decline.  D. Gillen asked would your study tell us if all of Campton went to the St. Peter what would happen.  Answer is the model would answer.  N. Anderson asked isn’t the problem with the St. Peter radium.  Answer yes.  J. Kupar asked what is the value of a monitoring well in the Ironton-Galesville aquifer.  Answer the monitoring well will tell us the trends that inform decision making.  N. Anderson asked how deep is the Ironton-Galesville. Answer about 1450 feet at the Windings.  If it goes that deep it requires a municipal well.

     Sheriff – Sergeant Baloun:  Absent.

     Highway Commissioner – Sam Gallucci:  Highway Commissioner Gallucci submitted a written report that stated snow plowing was completed for the winter season, detailed cleaning of plow trucks, removal of plows from trucks and installed shoulder spreaders, monthly maintenance of equipment completed, seed and soil applied to various areas of the Township due to salt damage to lawns, completed sweeping of all intersections, blacktop applied on roadways and driveways as needed, gravel applied along roadway shoulders as needed, trash picked up along numerous roadways, street signs replaced and maintained as necessary, trees trimmed and stumps ground in several areas, and removed illegal signage along right of ways. 

     Assessor – Alan Rottmann:  Assessor Rottmann stated he is meeting with taxpayers now and is in the process of reassessing properties.  Now is the time to correct assessments because once the tax bills go out it is too late. 

     Supervisor – Neal Anderson:  Supervisor Anderson stated he had no comments at this time.


Approval of Minutes;

     Board Meeting April 28, 2003:  D. Gillen moved to approve the minutes of the Board meeting of April 28, 2003 with the following changes: change “awarded” to “presented” and “for our”  to “the Townships” under Supervisor’s Report on page one; change “would” to “should” and “if we did not do the lease” to “for the use by a private ball club” under 8. B. on page two; and change “bother with” to “review each of these” and change “like this” to “because they are in budget” under 8. E. on page three.  The motion was seconded by R. Manser.  On a voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The motion passed. 


Planning Commission:

     A.  Corron Estates – Joe Keim:  Henry Stillwell, attorney for Keim, presented for the developer with Mr. Witt.  He stated the site has 42 acres bisected by a  drainage boundary.  They plan on connecting to two subdivisions.  Discussions with the County were that no access would be allowed on Silver Glen or Corron Road.  Drainage was the most talked about issue at Willowbrook Court and Willowbrook Drive.  The site does drain to the west and to the intersection.  He stated it appears drainage would be helped by cleaning debris from the creek.  N. Anderson asked what about existing structures.  Answer was a farmhouse.  Staff says this is no historic value so they would remove it.  K. Judy asked how deep will your wells be.  We should be looking at developers to demonstrate the sustainability of their projects.  No answer given.  R. Manser stated you are not meeting the open space requirement yet.  Answer its not yet on our plans.  R. Manser stated you are supposed to show 17 acres of open space and you are showing 4.5 acres.  The 40% guideline could be public or private open space.  We also have a moratorium on development because of our concern as to whether there is enough water to support it.  J. Kupar stated he had no comment because the plan was not clear enough to comment.  We should consider this site as one to run the water study simulation model.  Attorney Stillwell stated there is a bundle of rights that runs with the land and part of that bundle of rights includes the right to water.  R. Manser stated does that mean new developments rights to water, are weighed against existing neighbors rights, so that neither has water.  Answer was until it can be demonstrated we hope not to.  N. Anderson stated you sat through a presentation of a water study, and the hottest area is the quadrant where you want to develop.  You know your development affects other houses.  Answer was what are your time frame's.  How long will it take to know.  D. Gillen stated regarding the bundle of water rights, you are requesting new zoning.  At the present time you are a farm with one house.  Answer was it could require restricted water use.  J. Kupar stated the computer simulation model is a good scientific basis that could create legal issues.  R. Manser stated the current moratorium is in effect until September 2003.  N. Anderson to wrap up, read the Plan Commission letter that had no recommendation, but identified issues that will impact their recommendation, and did not discourage at this time.  D. Gillen said to be clear we are looking for 40% open space.  K. Judy moved the Board reiterate the concerns of the Plan Commission regarding the Corron Estates concept plan including the moratorium.  The motion was seconded by J. Kupar.  Township Administrator Glas stated we need to say yes or no.  County Board Representative Wojnicki stated Julia is right, the Development Committee is looking for a yes or no now.  We need to encourage or discourage.  K. Judy stated it hasn’t come to fruition until the preliminary plan.  D. Gillen stated you are encouraging something you are going to take back.  The two things glaring at us are water and drainage, and these should be a discouragement.  K. Judy stated they know we want our water sustainability and our 40%  open space.  D. Gillen stated they need to come back to us with this straightened out.  B. Wojnicki stated the County will work with the developer on open space.  N. Anderson stated he would like to see the farmstead preserved.  J. Hines, Historic Preservation Committee Chairperson agreed.  K. Judy stated she withdrew her motion.  J. Kupar withdrew his second.  K. Judy moved the Board accept the Plan Commission’s recommendation highlighting the moratorium and requesting the developer work with us on the water study.  J. Kupar seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Judy and Kupar voted aye.  Trustees Manser and Gillen voted no.  The motion passed. 


Citizens Comments: 

Kevin Frank attended the Plan Commission meeting and said 40% open space doesn’t add up with the lots he saw.  Also there is the traffic issue in his subdivision.  He wants us to pursue an additional entrance on Silver Glen.  N. Anderson asked does what the developer proposes about drainage solve this issue.  Answer was by adding houses and concrete water must go toward those homes.  Judy Grano who was at the Plan Commission meeting said the developer told them storm water would divert under Corron Glen Road to their ponds.  Homeowner’s Association dues maintain those ponds.  Lawrence Todd asked what are the dates of the moratorium.  R. Manser stated it ends November 30th.


New Business – Presentation and Discussion for Action:

A.    Review and Act Upon Wetland Mitigation for Corron Farm:  D. Gillen moved the Board contract with V – 3 Consultants to do the wetland banking on Corron as recommended by the Open Space Committee.  The motion was seconded by K. Judy.  J. Kupar stated he wanted to see V – 3 and Land and Water Resources come up with a plan and present it to the Board.  V – 3 built one, the other  built two, and one built four.  J. Shouba stated only two would submit plans.  K. Alles stated the others were too busy and we only got two proposals.  J. Shouba stated Land and Water Resources would not agree to any cut off time and so far the State has been reluctant to approve any private ownership of wetland  credits.  D. Gillen withdrew her motion and K. Judy withdrew her second.  D. Gillen moved that the Campton Township Supervisor, Staff, and Open Space Committee be authorized and directed to negotiate a draft Wetland Mitigation Bank contract with V – 3 Consultants and to present same to the Board for review.  The motion was seconded by K. Judy.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye.  Trustee Kupar voted no.  The motion passed. 

B.    Review and Act Upon Sub-Lease with Wasco Baseball League:  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the sub-lease with Wasco Baseball.  R. Manser seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Kupar voted aye.  Trustee Judy voted no.  The motion passed.

C.    Review and Act Upon OSLAD Forms for Grant Application:    

a.      DOC-3 Resolution of Authorization for Headwaters Conservation Area     

Development Application:  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the DOC-3 Resolution of Authorization for Headwaters Conservation Area Development Application.  J. Kupar seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The motion passed. 

b.     DOC-3 Resolution of Authorization for Acquisition from Corlands:  D. Gillen

moved the Board approve the DOC-3 Resolution of Authorization for Acquisition from Corlands.  K. Judy seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The motion passed. 


Old Business – Presentation and Discussion for Action: 

A.    None


Campton Township Community Park:

     A.  Review and Act Upon Capital Improvements for Storage by Ball Leagues:  D. Gillen moved the Board review and act upon capital improvements for storage by the ball leagues.  The motion was seconded by R. Manser.  D. Gillen stated lets table this and send it to the Park Committee that meets next Thursday.  Clerk Johansen stated he was approached by a Wasco Baseball coach who said time was an issue because the boys are playing on messy fields since the equipment that would clean this up is not available due to lack of storage.  D. Gillen withdrew her motion.  R. Manser withdrew his second.  K. Judy moved the Board move the storage issues for the ball leagues to Thursday May 22nd. at 6:30 p.m. and direct the Park Committee to make the decision.  The motion was seconded by R. Manser.  By voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The motion passed.  


Bank Statements: 

D. Gillen moved the Board approve the bank statements.  R. Manser seconded the motion.  By voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy and Kupar voted aye.  The motion passed. 


Claims and Demands for Payment:

A.    Town Fund:  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the claims and demands on the Town Fund.  J. Kupar seconded the motion.  K. Judy asked are we monitoring the Weiler and Nobel legal bills.  Township Administrator Glas stated yes.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Kupar voted aye.  Trustee Judy voted no.  The motion passed.

B.    Open Space Fund:  D. Gillen moved the Board approve the claims and demands on the Open Space Fund.  R. Manser seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The motion passed. 

C.    Park and Recreational Fund:  None. 


Executive Session – Land Acquisition: 

R. Manser moved the Board go into Executive Session to discuss land acquisition.  The motion was seconded by K. Judy.  On a voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, Judy, and Kupar voted aye.  The motion passed and the Board went into Executive Session at 10:20 p.m. 


Review and Act Upon Staff Applying for NRCS Grant for Property 1-2A: 

Supervisor Anderson reconvened the regular session at 10:35 p.m.  R. Manser moved the Township apply for an NRCS grant for property 1-2A.  J. Kupar seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Kupar voted aye.  Trustees Gillen and Judy were absent.  The motion passed. 



R. Manser moved the Board adjourn.  J. Kupar seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Kupar voted aye.  Trustees Gillen and Judy were absent.  The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 10:36 p.m.

                                                                              Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                              Richard Johansen
