The November 13, 2001 meeting was called to order by Supervisor Anderson at 7:31 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Clerk Johansen called the roll with Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy present. Trustee Kupar was absent.


Sheriff: Lieutenant Ellias stated Sergeant Baloun couldn’t be here tonight. He is going back to patrol shift. Deputy Kevin Williams will be our new Sheriff’s representative. He has a Sheriff’s dog that is friendly but you wouldn’t want to pet it. The Sheriff hosted a township Highway Commissioners’ meeting regarding the speeding problem. A speed trailer will be coming soon to educate the public regarding their speed. K. Judy stated there is drag racing going on. Will having a sub station here fix that? Answer is yes we enforce the speed limit but some of the new signs may not be posted yet. K. Judy asked if there will be walking patrols for the bike path? Answer is the Sheriff will try bicycle patrols when we get bicycles donated. Joe Garbarski stated there is a problem with construction vehicles going too fast on Silver Glen. Answer is they are enforcing it. The speed limit on Coron is reduced but not yet posted. County Board Representative Barb Wojnicki stated the County lowered speed limits on eight roads, mostly to 45 mph.

Solid Waste District: J. Boveri stated he talked to the yard supervisor who handles complaints for our area. We should have grand fathered residents large cans in so Waste Management didn’t rent large cans until January 2002. D. Gillen stated Waste Management makes two trips to her neighborhood on pick up day. Answer is John doesn’t know why. P. Snyder with the Road District stated there are a lot of complaints about trash being left. She would encourage the Board to ask them to be courteous and respond to complaints. Answer is there were three companies that bid, so there are other companies out there. Township Administrator J. Glas stated she has been fielding complaints from the public about Waste Management. She would like the Solid Waste Board to install a phone line to take the complaints. J. Bovari stated he will go to the Solid Waste Board and ask for a phone line to take messages that he will call back on.

Highway Commissioner: Commissioner Gallucci stated that today LaFox Road becomes Campton Township’s responsibility from Samuel Clemens Dr. to Burlington Rd. An additional brush pick up was completed on October 26th. A street light is being installed at the corner of Campton Hills Rd. and Campton Woods Dr. because this is a school bus stop where kids are picked up morning and evening. The trees along Beith Rd. were trimmed back. The ten miles of road repaving scheduled for this year was completed. An outside vendor was hired to replace the streetlight at Route 64 and Arbor Creek Rd. because the pole is 45 feet high and we do not have the equipment to complete this. Two catch basins were installed at the Highway Garage to correct the drainage problem. The new snow plows are installed on the trucks and they are running practice routes to get ready. Three new road crew members are going to a snow plowing class offered by IDOT. The new plows can get right up to the mailboxes for the convenience of residents. If mailboxes get damaged just call the Highway Department and we will replace it. A new chloride dispensary tank was installed at the garage for better dispersal of salt and chloride this winter. The Highway Office is preparing Township maps to submit to the County in order to receive motor fuel tax money for the Township roadways. The road crew installed two catch basins to correct the drainage problem on Kingswood Dr., and removed seven trees felled in the wind storm of October 25th. The Road Commissioner and Forman attended a jurisdictional transfer class given by IDOT. The Commissioner, working with IDOT, will be updating the signage on Campton Hills and Bolcum Rds.

Assessor: Assessor Rottmann stated his 96 gallon Waste Management can was stolen. They said they would replace it but they haven’t yet. R. Manser asked what is the increase in the EVA of the total Township. A. Rottmann stated he would crunch the numbers. It is 04.8% on existing plus 17 to 18 million in new construction.

Supervisor: Supervisor Anderson introduced Township Administrator Glas who introduced Mark Rake to speak about the Campton web site obtained with a small cities grant. He suggested we think about what we want on the site – our photos, e-mail addresses, committees, on line data bases for ordinances, history, agendas, minutes of meetings, links to Kane County, etc. He can come to our houses to set up our e-mail so that we can get e-mailed at home by the public from the Campton site. This is a resource for the Township. Supervisor Anderson stated he has submitted the OLT grant application to the State. He will meet them tomorrow afternoon, and thinks we have an excellent chance because there are only 25 applications for Open Space. The second phase of the park is completed. Then we will get $200,000 from the State (DNR) to reimburse us. The Supervisor has signed a letter of intent on the first Open Space parcel. He has hired the Conservation Foundation per the Board’s instruction. One general assistance person came in this month. A Public Hearing is set for Tuesday December 11, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. on the Tentative Amended Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the Campton Township General Town Fund. This will be held at Town Hall before the regular monthly meeting. K. Judy asked do we need to do the Holiday decorating contest? Could we recognize our volunteers instead? N. Anderson asked if we should have a party for our volunteers? D. Gillen and R. Manser said yes. N. Anderson stated we will work on that and drop the decorating contest. N. Anderson read a letter from the Kane County Development Department that replies to our letter of

October 5th. regarding our request for a moratorium on land development in those portions of Campton Township that are in School District 303. K. Judy stated the letter goes to the Superintendent of Schools. N. Anderson stated we will follow up. R. Manser made a motion for the Township to pay for one luncheon per month for one of us to attend the DuKane Valley Council luncheons for the rest of the Campton fiscal year. K. Judy seconded the motion. On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye. Trustee Kupar was absent. The motion passed.

Approval of Minutes:

Board Meeting October 9, 2001: D. Gillen moved to approve the October 9, 2001 minutes. R. Manser seconded the motion. R. Manser then made a motion to amend the minutes by striking "They want him to rent their garbage can.", in the Solid Waste District Report and inserting "The resident feels he is being forced to rent Waste Management’s garbage can." in the same place. The amendment was seconded by D. Gillen. On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Gillen voted aye. Trustee Judy abstained. Trustee Kupar was absent. The amendment passed. In a roll call vote on the motion to approve the October 9, 2001 minutes, as amended, Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Gillen voted aye. Trustee Judy abstained. Trustee Kupar was absent. The motion passed.

Special Board Meeting October 22, 2001: R. Manser moved to approve the Special Board Meeting minutes of October 22, 2001. D. Gillen seconded the motion. On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Gillen voted aye. Trustee Judy abstained. Trustee Kupar was absent. The motion passed.

Planning Commission:

Rezoning Request Bertche F to E-3: K. Judy moved the Board adopt the Plan Commission recommendation to approve the Bertche rezoning request. D. Gillen seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Rezoning Request for Campton Trails Subdivision: County Board Representative Barb Wojnicki stated this is contingent on reducing the speed limit to 35 mph. D. Gillen moved the Board approve the recommendation of the Campton Township Plan Commission that the rezoning request for Campton Trails subdivision be approved. R. Manser seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Rezoning Request for Oak Shadows Subdivision: D. Gillen moved the Board approve the Plan Commission recommendation that the rezoning request for Oak Shadows be approved. K. Judy seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Citizens Comments: Clerk Johansen stated he received a letter from State Representative Pat Lindner informing us that the legislative redistricting map still includes Campton Township in her district. K. Judy stated Plato Township is making a Plan Commission. She gave them our Plan Commission Chairman’s phone number.

New Business:

Truth in Taxation for the Town and Road District Funds Set Public Hearing Dates: R. Manser moved to set the Truth in Taxation Public Hearing times for 6:30 for the Town Fund, and 6:45 for the Road District fund, on Tuesday the 20th. of November, 2001, at Town Hall. The motion was seconded by D. Gillen. On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye. Trustee Kupar was absent. The motion passed.

Review Water Softener quote for Community Center: D. Gillen moved to contact Water Options of St. Charles to rent a water softener and iron filter for up to 12 months for $417.00 installation cost. The motion was seconded by K. Judy. On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye. Trustee Kupar was absent. The motion passed.

Review Cleaning Service for all Township Buildings: K. Judy moved to table approval of a cleaning service on the agenda. R. Manser seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Review Proposed Grading of Community Center Parking: R. Manser made a motion to approve the grading plan for the Community Center parking lot. D. Gillen seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Old Business: None.

Campton Township Community Park:

Approve Final Payment for J .E .M. Morris: D. Gillen made a motion to approve the final payment to J.E.M. Morris in the amount of $29,923.31. K. Judy seconded the motion. On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye. Trustee Kupar was absent. The motion passed.

Bank Statements: D. Gillen made a motion to approve the bank statements. R. Manser seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Claims and Demands:

Town Fund: D. Gillen made a motion to approve the claims and demands on the Town Fund. R. Manser seconded the motion. On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye. Trustee Kupar was absent. The motion passed.

Parks & Recreational Fund: D. Gillen made a motion to approve the claims and demands on the Parks and Recreational Fund. R. Manser seconded the motion. On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye. Trustee Kupar was absent. The motion passed.

Capital Improvement Fund: Nothing.

Open Space Fund: R. Manser made a motion to approve the claims and demands on the Open Space Fund. D. Gillen seconded the motion. On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye. Trustee Kupar was absent. The motion passed.

Open Space:

Open Space Update: Supervisor Anderson asked the Board if he should invite LRI Land Planning to our next Board Meeting? The answer was yes. Supervisor Anderson then asked the Board if we should invite PMA Financial Services to our next meeting to advise us on tracking Open Space proceeds, interest, and arbitrage. The answer was yes.

Executive Session: K. Judy made a motion that the Board move into Executive Session to discuss employment issues and land acquisition. D. Gillen seconded the motion which passed unanimously at 9:18 p.m.

Supervisor Anderson reconvened the regular meeting at 10:05 p.m. R. Manser made a motion to authorize Trustee Judy to make an offer on property 02-01 consisting of approximately 242 acres at a price not to exceed $4,850,000.00. The motion was seconded by D. Gillen. On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser, Gillen, and Judy voted aye. Trustee Kupar was absent. The motion passed.

Adjournment: D. Gillen made a motion to adjourn. R. Manser seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 10:07 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,


Richard Johansen
