1. 2. 3.  The September 14, 2010 Board meeting was called to order by Supervisor Kupar at 7:35 p.m. at the Community Center.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Clerk Johansen called the roll with Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman and Boissonnas present.  Trustees Lambe and VanZandt were absent. 


4. Reports:

     Sheriff – Kane County:  Absent.

     Highway Commissioner – Sam Gallucci:  Commissioner Gallucci stated the District began repaving Fox Mill roads Thursday morning.  The biggest problem is Bell Graham School.  We had the work scheduled before school started, but the strike delayed things until after school started.  Substandard work in Fox Mill caused storm sewers to fail in places.  One has a four feet deep hole.  Commissioner Gallucci met with Kane County regarding Prairie Lakes.  There is now money set aside to pave the remaining roads.  The money came from a private land developer that bought the remaining lots, roadways, and public access.  He took responsibility to complete the roads, solve the drainage issues, and any off the right of way problems that develop in the subdivision.  A culvert failed on Anderson Road about 400 feet south of Campton Hills Road.     We replaced it with gravel on top.  The gravel needs time to settle – about six to eight weeks.  We will begin brush pick up the third week of October.  The highway crew asphalted driveway aprons on Castle, Hastings, Whirlaway, East Mary, West Mary, and Kings Mill Drives; Verhaege, Campton Woods, Campton Ridge, and Far View Roads; Boxwood, Aberdeen, Echo Valley, Forest, and Brierwood Lanes; Hunters and Willowbrook Courts; and Winchester and Venetian Ways.  Crosswalks were repainted at Wasco and Bell Graham Schools for the beginning of the school year, and all stop lines, crosswalks, stop ahead, turn arrows, and road edge lines were restriped with white paint throughout Campton Township and the Village of Campton Hills.  The road crew cut and chipped trees due to storm damage throughout Campton Township and the Village of Campton Hills; mowed all road ditches in the Township and Village; swept intersections throughout the Township and Village; replaced batteries in all flashing lights throughout the Township and Village; checked all stop signs in the Township and Village on a weekly basis and replaced damaged or missing ones; continued to patrol roads throughout the Township and Village for drainage problems, pot holes, and culvert permits; and continued to repair potholes with cold patch throughout Campton Township and the Village of Campton Hills.  We mowed the rear lot behind Lily Lake’s public building on Empire Road for the Village of Lily Lake.  Ongoing maintenance on Township vehicles and equipment was performed in house by staff.  


     Assessor – Alan D. Rottmann: Assessor Rottmann stated the Campton Township assessment revisions were mailed on August 30th, 2010.  The revised assessment values were also published in the Elburn Herald on September 2nd, 2010 starting the 30 day appeal filing period.  The deadline to file a 2010 assessment appeal is Monday October 4, 2010.  The Assessor and staff are currently meeting with taxpayers who have questions regarding their assessed values.  This week an employee of the Assessors Office is retiring after 14 years with the Township.  She is handicapped and her disabilities are causing her to retire at this time.  I wish to thank the Township for working with her during the budget process in March of this year, to allow her to continue working until this month.  Her home has been listed for sale since March 2010, and eventually, she plans to move to an assisted living facility near her sister in Independence Missouri.  The Campton Township Assessors Office will miss Anita and we wish her well. 


     Solid Waste District – Barbara Boissonnas:  No Report.

     Financial Report – Louise McKay:  Certified Public Accountant (CPA) McKay stated the Annual Treasurer’s Report has been completed and was published in the legal notices of the Kane County Chronicle on Tuesday, September 7, 2010.  The Certificate of Publication has been received and will be filed at Kane County as required.  Most budget line item overages have offsetting budget line items that are under.  Budgets are tight and have to be watched closely due to limited line items that are under budget.  Prairie Fest came in under budget thanks to the many donations from individuals.  We are working with PMA Financial Network to invest the $653,000 maturing Certificates of Deposit in the perpetual maintenance fund on this Thursday, September 16th.  Tomorrow the last major tax distribution from Kane County will be deposited.  There will be another distribution in October. 


     Village of Campton Hills – President Patsy Smith:  Campton Hills Village President Smith stated she gave L. McKay the Campton Hills police report for the month of July.  Congratulations on Campton Township’s Prairie Fest.  It was a lot of fun.  Everyone is welcome to come to the Village’s Heritage Farm Fest on September 18th from 8:00 a.m. to dusk.  J. Kupar stated there may be a baseball tournament that could create parking issues.  P. Smith stated she would contact the committee chairman so that he can make the necessary adjustments. 


     Open Space Staff Report – Jack Shouba:  Open Space Development Coordinator Shouba stated the next volunteer work day will be October 9th, probably collecting prairie plant seeds at Corron Farm.  Volunteer work days are always the second Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to noon.  There were 260 people at Prairie Fest and everybody had a good time.  At Corron Farm Wasco Nursery replaced one oak tree that was under warrantee and planted two new trees.  One is a burr oak honoring the volunteer work of Laurel Garza and the other is a crabapple tree recognizing the contributions of former Administrator Julia Glas.  Both will be dedicated this fall.  Staff and volunteers planned, organized, prepared and cleaned up after Prairie Fest which was held September 11th from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.  We had over 20 exhibitors.  Many people contributed food, bottled water, materials, time, door prizes, and raffle items.  We had a ceremony to accept the hay rack constructed by scout Ryan Hayes for his Eagle Scout project.  A group of people are looking into starting a not-for-profit foundation to support restoration work at the farm.  The bird survey by volunteer Bill Koch showed 75 kinds of birds used Corron Farm this year.  At Gray Willows mowing was done, and we were contacted by a neighbor with some questions, suggestions, and an idea for a scout project which we will keep on file as we move forward with the planning process.  At Harley Woods we answered follow-up questions from IDNR (Illinois Department of Natural Resources) regarding our grant application for prairie seed.  At the Headwaters Conservation Area we painted stripes for parking in the parking lot, and there is ongoing mowing and weeding.  At Mongerson Park JAD TreeCycle will be doing some mowing to complete their contract this fall.  At Poynor Park there is ongoing mowing and weeding.  We burned a large brush pile left by neighbors, repainted lines on the roadway, and answered follow-up questions from IDNR regarding our grant application to purchase prairie seeds.  At Anderson Park there is ongoing mowing.   


     Joint Environmental Resource Management Committee – John Kupar, Rob Linke, Jack Shouba:  J. Kupar stated the committee is working with Village codes as they apply to environmental resources. 


     Supervisor Report – John Kupar:  Supervisor Kupar stated our fourth annual Prairie Fest was held last Saturday.  It was a great success.  The weather finally cooperated, the sun came out and we had great weather the whole afternoon.  Laurel Garza reminded us of what her mother used to say, “rain before 7:00 stops before 11:00.  She was right.  Prairie Fest was a success because of the hard work put in by our volunteers.  We want to thank Laurel Garza, Denise Morgan, Terry Shouba,  Jack Shouba, Ken Johnson, Mark Gordon, Vince Pavlicek, Kathleen Judy-Purcnell, Campton Township staff, and many more volunteers who helped.  The Town Hall foundation is substantially complete but we still have to install the vapor barrier and gravel.  We need to dry out the sub base before we finish this work.  Conservation Foundation staff toured Grey Willows farm in August.  They were impressed with the diversity of features of the farm and volunteered to set up a focus group to identify potential uses as well as establish priorities.  This would be with township residents, development experts, and potential financial donors.  Neal Anderson has agreed to head up the Grey Willows farm Committee to investigate and recommend potential options for public use as outlined in our open space plan.  Neal will be assisted by Jerry Johnson, who will be co-chair of the committee.  Anyone who is interested in participating, please contact Neal.  Becky Lambe has announced that she and her family are moving to Atlanta Georgia on October 12th.  She will be resigning as township trustee and therefore we will be soliciting for township residents who may be interested in serving the remainder of Becky’s term.  Becky has done a great job while serving on this board and we will all miss her.  The township has extended an offer of employment for a part time clerical staff member.  We advertised in the Examiner and received over 24 applications.  The Conservation Foundation will be facilitating a watershed planning effort for the Ferson Creek and Otter Creek watersheds.  This will occur on Tuesday, September 21st from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Campton Township Community Center.  Finally Supervisor Kupar thanked Wasco Baseball for performing maintenance work at the LaFox Ballfields over Labor Day weekend. 


5. Approval of Minutes:

     a. Board Meeting August 10, 2010:  T. Stutesman moved the Board approve the minutes of August 10, 2010.  C. Boissonnas seconded the motion.  In a voice vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman and Boissonnas voted aye.  Trustees Lambe and VanZandt were absent.  The motion passed. 


6. Citizens’ Comments:  Resident Frank Kuzel stated Cub Scout Pac 165 from Ferson Creek Elementary School wants to hold a rocket day.  Previously they used Brown Field.  Poynor Park was suggested as a better location.  There are 57 kids in the Pac and each one shoots a rocket three times.  The rockets go about 800 feet.  Regarding insurance issues L. McKay stated she checked with TOIRMA (Township Officials Insurance Risk Management Association) and the township needs a “hold harmless agreement” and insurance obtained by the responsible adults with the Cub Scout Pac.  F. Kuzel stated the date requested is October 16th with a rain date of October 17th.  J. Kupar stated if you take care of the hold harmless agreement and insurance issues it’s o.k.  F. Kuzel added there will be six adults there over a period of four hours so not all 57 kids will be there at one time.  J. Kupar said please come back next month to finalize this.  We received a plaque of appreciation from the Unites States Census Bureau for our assistance in helping with the census.  We let them use the Community Center for their work.  Clerk Johansen stated speaking as Vice President of Township Officials of Kane County, he was inviting all Campton Township officials to the thirtieth annual dinner meeting of Township Officials of Kane County.  It will be held Wednesday October 20th beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the Lincoln Inn, 1345 S. Batavia Ave., Batavia, Ill.  The event honors township Supervisors this year and the featured speaker will be Jerry Johnson of Garfield Farm speaking on Pioneers of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.                           


7. Planning Commission:  No report.


8. Old Business –

     a. Review Open Space Plan and Program Legal Documentation:  Attorney K. Judy stated she is going through all files of open space properties purchased to be sure everything is in order.  This includes deeds, conservation easements, etc.  Computer expert Mark Rake will put together a test web site for all our open space. 


9. New Business – Presentation and Discussion for Action:

     a. Review and Act Upon Michael Reilly Eagle Scout Project at Harley Woods (Troop 80):  Eagle Scout candidate Michael Reilly stated his project is to build a Kiosk at Harley Woods that will provide visitors with information about the site.  He expects to get 20 boys of Boy Scout Troop 80 along with their fathers to help begin the project in October or November.  He will ask them to bring goggles, work gloves, tools, and shovels.  The first Saturday they will dig postholes, put posts in with frames, add cement, and allow it to set until next weekend.  The second Saturday they will construct the kiosk with Boy Scout Troop 80 volunteers.  This should take 4 or 5 hours, and will consist of six treated 4x4’s, five treated 2x6’s, two treated 2x4’s, and two treated 2x8’s of various lengths, a green tin metal roof with a metal ridge cap, and six 80 pound bags of cement.  Also included will be a full sheet of treated plywood, Plexiglas, a frame, hinge, clasp, and lock.  The estimated cost is between $309.00 and $330.00 without the roof and roof cap.  Scout Reilly thanked Tom Serewicz, Jack Shouba, and Julia Glas for their help on this project.  C. Boissonnas asked how much is the roof going to add?  T. Serewicz stated its approximately $60.00 at each vendor.  C. Boissonnas moved the Board approve the Michael Reilly Eagle Scout project at Harley Woods at a cost not to exceed $400.00.  The motion was seconded by T. Stutesman.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, and Boissonnas voted aye.  Trustees Lambe and VanZandt were absent.  The motion passed. 


     b. Review and Act Upon Weston Holt Eagle Scout Project at Gray Willows (Troop 3):  Eagle Scout candidate Weston Holt stated the project has been given the o.k. by all the participants.  We are taking out 160 feet of fence at Gray Willows, cutting up the wood, and moving it to the burn pile.  This is confirmed by our supervisor Ken Johnson.  We will use channel locks and thick gloves to remove barbed wire.  We will do this September 25th with a rain date of October 2nd.  K. Johnson stated we will bring hammers and goggles in addition to crowbars.  L. McKay asked how do we notify Mrs. Fessendon?  J. Kupar stated as long as we are outside the three acres, we are o.k.  It might be nice to notify Bowgren, the caretaker.  There is no budget.  We don’t need supplies.  C. Boissonnas moved the Board approve the Weston Holt Eagle Scout project at Gray Willows.  T. Stutesman seconded the motion.  In a voice vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman and Boissonnas voted aye.  Trustees Lambe and VanZandt were absent.  The motion passed.


     c. Review and Act Upon Star Gazing Event at Poynor Park on Sept. 25, 2010:  T. Stutesman moved the Board approve the star gazing event at Poynor Park on September 25th, 2010.  C. Boissonnas seconded the motion.  In a voice vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman and Boissonnas voted aye.  Trustees Lambe and VanZandt were absent.  The motion passed. 


     d. Update and Act Upon License Agreements:  K. Johnson stated he and K. Judy are working with the agricultural-lease farmers.  One issue is the 60 acres at the southeast corner of the Headwaters.  They are complaining it is not a good hay field.  What we will probably do is let them redo the field by herbiciding and burning the old field.  Then they would do a row crop and plant new hay after that.  Hay is a perennial so it would grow from year to year.  Regarding the Torchie field by Route 38 we want to just put it into prairie because it is not a good crop field for Ag. lease.  Torchie was concerned about drainage because the field floods.  K. Judy stated we have four annual agreements and two four-year agreements.  This is just to report.  No action is needed at this time.  T. Stutesman moved the Board table acting upon license agreements.  C. Boissonnas seconded the motion.   In a voice vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman and Boissonnas voted aye.  Trustees Lambe and VanZandt were absent.  The motion passed.


     e. Review and Approve a Job Description for a Campton Township Park and Open Space Coordinator:  J. Kupar stated as far as the Open Space Coordinator reporting to the Board from day to day, reporting should be to L. McKay, not the Supervisor.  Let’s just approve the job description.  T. Stutesman moved the Board approve the job description for the Campton Township Park and Open Space Coordinator.  C. Boissonnas seconded the motion.  In a voice vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman and Boissonnas voted aye.  Trustees Lambe and VanZandt were absent.  The motion passed. 


10. Claims and Demands for Payment:

     a. Town Fund:  C. Boissonnas moved the Board approve the claims and demands on the Town Fund.  T. Stutesman seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman and Boissonnas voted aye.  Trustees Lambe and VanZandt were absent.  The motion passed. 


     b. Open Space Fund:  T. Stutesman moved the Board approve the claims and demands on the Open Space Fund.  C. Boissonnas seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman and Boissonnas voted aye.  Trustees Lambe and VanZandt were absent.  The motion passed. 


     c. Capital Improvements Fund:  C. Boissonnas moved the Board approve the claims and demands on the Capital Improvements Fund.  T. Stutesman seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman and Boissonnas voted aye.  Trustees Lambe and VanZandt were absent.  The motion passed. 


11. Executive Session – Review Executive Session Minutes; Personnel Issues:  T. Stutesman moved the Board go into Executive Session to review Executive Session minutes, and to discuss personnel issues.  C. Boissonnas seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman and Boissonnas voted aye.  Trustees Lambe and VanZandt were absent.  The motion passed and Executive Session began at 8:50 p.m. 


12. New Business Continued –  Supervisor Kupar reconvened the regular session.   

     a. Review and Act Upon Approve Executive Session Minutes:  T. Stutesman moved the Executive Session minutes of August 10, 2010 be approved.  C. Boissonnas seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman and Boissonnas voted aye.  Trustees Lambe and VanZandt were absent.  The motion passed. 


     b. Report and Possible Action as to the Selection of a New Park and Open Space Coordinator:  No Action.


13. Adjournment:  T. Stutesman moved the Board adjourn the meeting.  C. Boissonnas seconded the motion.  In a voice vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman and Boissonnas voted aye.  Trustees Lambe and VanZandt were absent.  The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. 


                                                                               Respectfully Submitted,



                                                                               Richard Johansen, Clerk