1. 2. 3.  The August 29, 2012 Special Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Kupar at 7:35 p.m. at the Community Center.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Clerk Johansen called the roll with Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman and VanZandt present.  Trustee Murphy was absent. 

4. Old Business: Discuss the Appointment of a Trustee to Complete the Unexpired Term of Trustee Christian Boissonnas:  J. Kupar stated generally townships have a mission in three areas.  These are roads and bridges, property assessment, and general assistance.  Campton Township is different in that we have about 1450 acres of open space that taxpayers have authorized the Township to purchase through referendums.  Corron Farm we are currently working on but with the recent purchase of the 210-acre Grey Willows property we have new challenges.  We will look at the three people we have here tonight with these challenges in mind.  We want a two-way discussion between the Board and the candidates.  We have three cards here to pick the order of candidates and one will meet the Board while the other two wait in the conference room. 

a.     Interview Trustee Candidates:

·       Vicki Vandiver stated she has lived here for 38 years.  She was born and raised on Burlington Road.  She has 3 kids.  They lived in 3 homes in Wasco.  First they rented the Christine Brauer home.  Then they bought the house at the end of the baseball field.  They now live on Buckskin Trail.  She owns LaFox Martial Arts.  She also owns Safety Awareness for college bound women and for business women.  She is a member of Kiwanis, a service learning club.  Carl Ziegler and the police and fire chiefs are members.  She sits on the Board of Directors.  On the personal end she knows farmers, and people like the Collins and Bowgrens.  From her martial arts business she knows the parents of kids from the subdivisions of Fox Mill and Prairie Lakes.  She is vested in the community.  She believes her strengths are that she is a people person.  She knows how to lead and how to follow.  If you want to have scouts go to Grey Willows, she played on that property as a child.  J. Kupar stated we need three positions filled: Board Trustee, Solid Waste District Trustee, and Grey Willows Supervisor.  T. Stutesman stated a concern is that her house is for sale.  She answered that is to downsize.  They will stay in the community, in the boundaries of Ferson Creek School.  Not necessarily the Village but definitely the Township.  G. VanZandt stated what about time.  She answered with two kids in college she has more time.  G. VanZandt stated the problem is we need more volunteers but we always get the same people.  She answered with Kiwanis we can get 30 kids to volunteer.  Kiwanis started with nine members and it is up to 42 members.  The Township could use her business space for volunteers and presentations.  J. Kupar stated this is to fill an unexpired term.  Would you be available to run for the next term?  Her answer was yes.  J. Kupar stated our Open Space Coordinator could use help.  She answered she would offer help. 

·       R. Manser stated he had a conversation with J. Kupar a couple weeks ago about finances.  He wanted to see if this is a good fit.  He is on the Finance Committee with the Village of Campton Hills.  J. Kupar stated we have an unexpired term to fill until April.  Would you serve after this term?  He answered he hasn’t thought about it.  The challenge is income and investments in the next three years. We are not going to get 4% on investments.  G. VanZandt stated we need volunteers.  We are two things.  One is the people side and the other is the financial side.  J. Kupar stated we need more kids involved in open space and sports.  What are our challenges over the next four years and what have we done right?  He answered the open space the Township bought is what was done right.  Only three townships in the State of Illinois have done that.  J. Kupar stated the development of Grey Willows will need sponsors from the corporate world.  Also we have a Trustee opening in the Solid Waste District but I don’t think you would be interested in that.  He answered it comes down to your area of expertise.

·       Mark Travers came into the room.  J. Kupar stated we are looking for three things: a Trustee for the Board, a leader for Gray Willows, and a Solid Waste District Trustee, but I don’t think you are interested in the last one.  M. Travers stated he worked on land application of treated waste water systems like the one in Fox Mill in the 1980’s.  G. VanZandt asked what is your interest?  Answer was he helped form the Arbor Creek Homeowners Association.  They have lots of open land and storm water issues.  He loves all the preservation work the Township has done.  J. Kupar stated we sunk two 50 foot groundwater monitoring wells today.  Our two issues are the budget and getting people involved as volunteers.  Any ideas about that?  Answer was this is like the homeowners association.  People only get involved when there is a problem.  J. Kupar asked would you consider running for a full term in April 2013?  Answer was yes.  J. Kupar stated we have to be careful of getting people who can make Board meetings.  Answer was he travels to Indochina Monday night but he can plan his schedule.  He travels a lot.  J. Kupar asked if he had any questions of the Board.  Answer was no.  J. Kupar stated we have 6 million available for maintenance, and that’s enough until the year 2024.  We have issues with V3 that handles our wetland mitigation credit program.  His answer was his company is required to do pro bono work and he could help us with V3.  J. Kupar added there is a potential for a wetland bank at Grey Willows. 

5. Executive Session:

     b. Discuss the Appointment of a Trustee to Fill the Unexpired Term of Trustee Christian Boissonnas – T. Stutesman moved the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the appointment of a Trustee to fill the unexpired term of Trustee Christian Boissonnas.  G. VanZandt seconded the motion.  In a voice vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman and VanZandt voted aye.  Trustee Murphy was absent.  The motion passed and Executive Session began at 9:10 p.m. 

6. Old Business (Continued) – Act Upon the Appointment of a Trustee to fill the Unexpired Term of Trustee Christian Boissonnas:  Supervisor Kupar reconvened the regular session at 9:30 p.m.  J. Kupar moved the Board appoint Vicki Vandiver as Trustee to fill the unexpired term of former Trustee Christian Boissonnas.  G. VanZandt seconded the motion.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman and VanZandt voted aye.  Trustee Murphy was absent.  The motion passed. 

7. New Business – Presentation and Discussion for Action:

     a. Review and Act Upon Transfer of Funds from PMA Perpetual Maintenance Account to Capital Improvement Account at Harris Bank for the Purchase of Township Park Property – G. VanZandt moved the Board approve the transfer of funds from PMA Perpetual Maintenance Account to Capital Improvement Account at Harris Bank for the purchase of Township park property.  The motion was seconded by T. Stutesman.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman and VanZandt voted aye.  Trustee Murphy was absent.  The motion passed. 

8. Adjournment:  G. VanZandt moved the Board adjourn the meeting.  T. Stutesman seconded the motion.  In a voice vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman and ZanZandt voted aye.  Trustee Murphy was absent.  The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

                                                                              Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                              Richard Johansen
