The April 17, 2001meeting was called to order by Supervisor Malek at 7:32 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Deputy Clerk Glas called the roll with Supervisor Malek and Trustees Anderson, Gillen, and Van Zandt present, Trustee Reinke absent.

Supervisor Malek moved discussion of the Bond Attorney for the first item of the agenda.


A motion was made by N. Anderson to move ahead with discussion and approval of Bond Attorney and under righter for the Open Space Plan. Seconded by G. VanZandt. Motion carried with a unanimous vote. Bill Morris of Kirkpatick Petitis A Mutual of Omaha Company discussed his proposal of 1.05% fee for AAA rating a slight decrease in fees over the last 5 years. Bill encouraged the board to approve both the under righter and the Bond Attorney at this time so that in about 4 to 8 weeks the Town Board may move ahead in the Open Space process. Supervisor Malek suggested the Town Board give authority to the supervisor to enter into an agreement. D. Gillen made a motion to authorize the Supervisor to enter into an agreement with Kirkpatrick Petitis as presented. G. ZanZandt seconded the motion. A roll call vote Trustees Gillen, Anderson, ZanZandt vote aye; Supervisor Malek voted aye and Trustee Reinke was absent, motion carried.

N.Anderson made a motion to authorize the Supervisor to negotiate the fee from Chapman and Cutler not to exceed $2.25 per $1,000.00. G.VanZandt seconded the motion. In a roll call vote, Trustees Gillen, Anderson, ZanZandt vote aye; Supervisor Malek voted aye and Trustee Reinke was absent, motion carried.


G.VanZandt moved to accept the minutes of the April 5, 2001 meeting as presented. D. Gillen seconded, and the motion carried.


Fire Protection District: Bill Warner was not present for discussion. N.Anderson made a motion to table this item. D. Gillen seconded. In a unanimous vote, motion carried.

Sunset Villa D. Gillen made a motion to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission for Sunset Villa rezoning request F to E-3. G. VanZandt seconded. In a unanimous vote, motion carried.

Oak Shadows N. Anderson made a motion to request a one-week extension from the County to review the Oak Shadows Subdivision. D. Gillen seconded, in a unaniumous vote, motion carried.

Town Budget G. VanZandt made a motion to approve the Town Fund Budget and Appropriation Ordinance 01-02T as presented. D. Gillen seconded. In a roll call vote Trustees Gillen, Anderson, ZanZandt vote aye; Supervisor Malek voted aye and Trustee Reinke was absent, motion carried.

Road Budget N. Anderson made a motion to approve the Road District Fund Budget and Appropriation Ordinance 01-02R as presented. G VanZandt seconded. In a roll call vote Trustees Gillen, Anderson, VanZandt vote aye; Supervisor Malek voted aye and Trustee Reinke was absent, motion carried.


Mowing Bid G. VanZandt made motion to accept Proficenecy Landscaping at $14,175.00 for the 2001 mowing season. N. Anderson seconded the motion. In a roll call vote Trustees Gillen, Anderson, VanZandt vote aye; Supervisor Malek voted aye and Trustee Reinke was absent, motion carried.

Electric and Water Sam Gallucci of the Wasco Boys Baseball discussed the plans for the league to improve the field at the Community Center and needs permission to use the water and electric to maintain the $23,000 improvements being completed. D. Gillen questioned the pump at the site; the age of the pump is unknown. G. VanZandt made a motion to approve the use of water and electric. N. Anderson seconded. In a roll call vote Trustees Gillen, Anderson, VanZandt vote aye; Supervisor Malek voted aye and Trustee Reinke was absent, motion carried.

Phase 2 Grading Bid G.VanZandt made a motion to approve Stan White Excavation for $100,162.00 for the excavation and grading of the park. N.Anderson seconded. In a roll call vote Trustees Gillen, Anderson, VanZandt vote aye; Supervisor Malek voted aye and Trustee Reinke was absent, motion carried.

Phase 2 Development D. Gillen made a motion to accept the bid from J.E.M.Morris $277,424.15 for the development of the park. N. Anderson seconded. In a roll call vote Trustees Gillen, Anderson, ZanZandt vote aye; Supervisor Malek voted aye and Trustee Reinke was absent, motion carried.


Entrance Sign G.VanZandt made a motion to obtain a quote for a smaller sign for the Community Center. N. Anderson seconded. In a unaniosmous vote, motion carried.


D.Gillen moved to adjourn. N. Anderson seconded the motion, and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Julia L. Glas, Deputy Clerk