1. 2. 3. The February 5, 2013 Special Board Meeting was called to order by Trustee Stutesman at 4:35 p.m. at the Community Center.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Clerk Johansen called the roll with Trustees Stutesman, Murphy, and VanZandt present.  Supervisor Kupar appeared by speakerphone.  Trustee Vandiver was absent. 

4. Old Business: Presentation and Discussion for Action: None.

5. New Business: Presentation and Discussion for Action:

     a. Discuss and Act Upon Co-Sponsored Organizations Expired Contracts and Cost for New Season: Supervisor Kupar appeared by speaker phone stating the three subjects that needed to be covered in this meeting.  First, what growth do the leagues project?  Long term will they need additional fields?  Second, the township needs a master schedule from each league to prevent scheduling conflicts.  Third, the township looses $200 to $250 per field.  We need help from the leagues to close that gap.  Bill Morrow of Wasco Diamonds asked is it $250 per year?  Answer was the average is $250 per year per field.  Sue Sobieski of Wasco Girls Softball asked for a breakdown of the $250.  Supervisor Kupar stated the breakout of cost increase for the three fields at Poynor is $180 per field.  The other nine fields cost increase is $274 per field.  Trustee VanZandt stated the breakdown of costs is by mowing, parking lot maintenance, toilet rental, etc.  Sue Sobieski stated all our schedules are on our calendar.  Trustee Murphy asked that the schedules be e-mailed to the township.  Trustee VanZandt stated what we want to accomplish today is act on the contracts that expired January 1st. 2013.  Chris Bell stated if we make this investment we need a term of time available.  We just spent $20,000 on fields last fall.  Supervisor Kupar stated the contract can continue to be a four-year term.  Trustee VanZandt stated we need to show you the spreadsheets.  Chris Bell stated can you e-mail that to us?  Township Administrator McKay distributed three different contracts, one to Sue Sobieski, another to Chris Bell, and a third to Bill Morrow, for the three different leagues.  Supervisor Kupar stated the use of the fields has increased.  It used to be summer only.  Now its spring, summer, and fall.  The increased use increases costs.  Trustee Stutesman stated as a process we need to do our due diligence.  Chris Bell stated he has to go back to his constituents and explain the agreement to them.  He could use more fields.  Trustee VanZandt stated we will do the contracts for a four-year period.  T. Stutesman moved agenda item 5.a. be tabled and continued to Old Business at the Board meeting of February 12, 2013.  The motion was seconded by G. VanZandt.  In a voice vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, Murphy, and VanZandt voted aye.  Trustee Vandiver was absent.  The motion passed.

6. Executive Session: None.

7. Adjournment: T. Stutesman moved the Board adjourn the meeting.  E. Murphy seconded the motion.  In a voice vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Stutesman, Murphy, and VanZandt voted aye.  Trustee Vandiver was absent.  The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. 

                                                                              Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                              Richard Johansen
