1. 2. 3.  The July 17, 2010 Special Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Kupar at 9:08 a.m. at the Community Center.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Clerk Johansen called the roll with Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Boissonnas, Lambe, and VanZandt present.  Trustee Stutesman was absent.

4. Old Business – Discuss and Act Upon Poynor Park Drainage and Future Park Plans:  J. Kupar stated we don’t have enough money to fix the problems at Poynor Park, so what can we fix, and what are the alternatives?  J. Shouba stated we could mix two thirds of the bad soils with biosolids.  That would fertilize but not raise the grade level.  We could get free soil from Kaneland and pay for trucking.  C. Boissonnas asked what’s the budget available for this?  R. Lambe stated we don’t have anything extra.  For Poynor we just had money for analysis.  G. VanZandt stated we need a committee for strategy for the next five years.  CPA (certified public accountant) McKay stated we have $375,000 in bond money left.  That is the money of the 2006 B bond series.  We have until July 2011 to deplete this arbitrage.  There is $375,000 available until next summer.  We can apply for matching grants.  J. Kupar stated with Poynor the question is how to stabilize it.  We have a serious drainage problem.  Do we turn it into prairie?  C. Boissonnas stated the $375,000 can be used for land acquisition or maintenance of property.  R. Lambe stated Denise Morgan did a good job of laying out what to do, where, and when.  J. Kupar stated we wanted to save the $375,000 for development and maintenance of Grey Willow.  CPA McKay asked what is the chance of getting a DNR (Department of Natural Resources) grant?  G. VanZandt asked what is the minimum to do to stabilize Poynor and stop the erosion?  C. Boissonnas stated that’s one of the competing priorities.  If we appoint a committee it should be about all these issues, not just Poynor.  Rob Linke of Trotter Engineering stated it’s a $100,000 job at Poynor.  You dig a trench, put in rip-rap; it’s a $100,000 job.  G. VanZandt stated if we had someone who knows how to use a transit, we have people who could do this.  J. Kupar asked if we turn this area into prairie would that solve the erosion problem?  J. Shouba stated he checked with Ken Johnson, and prairie would grow on terrible soil.  It would work.  Prairie is cheaper then the alternatives; a few hundred an acre.  S. Gallucci asked have you talked with Tom Seriwitz about this?  He could help with it.  Rob Linke stated he could work with Tom Seriwitz on it.  J. Kupar stated we can’t afford to put in more ball fields for awhile.  C. Boissonnas stated let’s ask the open space people to make a list ranking the open space projects.  J. Kupar stated we have a list of things we want to do for all of our sites.  R. Lambe stated we need an overall plan.  J. Kupar stated we have the Poynor drainage problem to focus on now.  Who is best to lead this, and what Trustee can take part in it?  Rob Linke stated he can be part of the committee.  G. VanZandt stated he would also be part of the committee.  Can we meet Friday evenings?  Answer was yes.  Let’s appoint Tom Seriwitz.  R. Linke stated he will take the design elements of the Option One Plan to start with.  G. VanZandt stated we will work with Tom Seriwitz.  J. Kupar stated we have our committee consisting of G. VanZandt as chairman, R. Linke of Trotter Engineers, J. Shouba, Open Space Development Coordinator, and Tom Seriwitz.  G. VanZandt asked what is the deadline for the committee?  Per R. Linke we are ahead of the curve already.  G. VanZandt stated he may not be here for the next Board meeting.  J. Kupar stated he may be absent for that too.  G. VanZandt stated we should be able to come up with something in three weeks.       

5. New Business – Discuss and Act Upon hire Township Administrator:  J. Kupar stated with Administrator Glas leaving in one week we have to ask basic questions about the requirements of the Administrator.  What are the responsibilities of this position?  The Administrator description includes the person works with the Supervisor, Clerk, Assessor, Trustees, Kane County Development staff, Open Space development, and hired consultants.  He stated we have to develop a job description so we can advertise.  R. Lambe stated put an understanding of the budget and financial report as part of the job description.  J. Kupar stated we will have a little bit of a gap.  Do we want a part time administrator temporarily?  The search will probably take two months.  L. McKay stated if we work someone past 30 days we have to pick up their unemployment.  Discussion ensued.  C. Boissonnas moved the Board authorize the Supervisor to appoint a part time office assistant for up to three months for up to $15.00 per hour and not to exceed twenty hours per week.  The motion was seconded by G. VanZandt.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Boissonnas, Lambe, and VanZandt voted aye.  Trustee Stutesman was absent.  The motion passed.   

6. Adjournment:  C. Boissonnas moved the Board adjourn the meeting.  G. VanZandt seconded the motion.  In a voice vote Supervisor Kupar and Trustees Boissonnas, Lambe, and VanZandt voted aye.  Trustee Stutesman was absent.  The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m. 

                                                                                          Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                                          Richard Johansen
