1. 2. 3.     The May 31, 2007 Special Board meeting was called to order by Supervisor Anderson at 7:40 p.m. at the Community Center.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Deputy Clerk Glas called the roll with Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Judy, Boissonnas, and Stutesman present.

4. Old Business:

     Review and Act Upon Recommendation to Award Bid for Historic Corron Farm Roof Project.

Arlene Vespa from Dahlquist discussed the memo addressing several questions the board requested further investigation. The alternative material had negative feedback and warranty of the asphalt shingles offered a lifetime limited guarantee. J. Kupar made a motion to select cedar material for the Corron Farm and use the low bidder Michaels Roofing not to exceed $84,605.00. K. Judy seconded the motion. Discussion followed. In a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Judy, Boissonnas, and Stutesman voted aye.  The motion passed. 

5. Executive Session – Land Acquisition:  T. Stutesman moved the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing land acquisition, and to include Township Administrator Glas, Freda Ciezlicki, Mike and Dan Lobbes in Executive Session.  The motion was seconded by C. Boissonnas.  In a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Stutesman, Judy voted aye.  The motion passed and Executive Session began at 8:00 p.m. Trustee Stutesman departed at 9:00p.m.

6. New Business – Presentation and Discussion for Action:

     a. Review and Act Upon Authorization for Supervisor to enter into Contract to purchase Property V-8:

      b. Review and Act Upon Granting Authority to the Supervisor to Enter into a Contract for the Purchase of Conservation Rights of Property IV-4

 K. Judy moved to table both items a & b of the new business. C. Boissonnas seconded motion. In a voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Judy voted aye.  Trustee Stutesman was absent.  The motion passed

 7. Adjournment: C. Boissonnas moved the meeting be adjourned.  K. Judy seconded the motion.  In a voice vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Kupar, Boissonnas, and Judy voted aye.  Trustee Stutesman was absent.  The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 9:32 p.m. 

                                                                             Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                              Julia Glas

                                                                              Deputy Clerk