The October 22, 2001 Special Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Anderson at 8:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Clerk Johansen called the roll with Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Kupar present. Trustees Gillen and Judy were absent.

Open Space Update:

Second Bond Issuance: J. Kupar stated we should do this now because interest is low. R. Manser moved that the Board start the process of the second bond issuance. J. Kupar seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Update on OLT Grant Application: J. Glas stated Laura Ross, the grant writer, is putting together our application. She has all the documentation.

Executive Session: R. Manser moved the Board go into Executive Session including the Open Space Committee and Julia Glas in order to discuss property acquisition and personnel. The motion was seconded by J. Kupar. On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Kupar voted aye. Trustees Gillen and Judy were absent. The motion passed.

New Business: Supervisor Anderson reconvened the Special Session at 10:05 p.m. R. Manser made a motion to authorize Supervisor Anderson to negotiate an option on property 01-01, not to exceed 180 days, at a price not to exceed 6.5 million, for 352 approximate acres. J. Kupar seconded the motion. On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Kupar voted aye. Trustees Gillen and Judy were absent. The motion passed. R. Manser moved to authorize Supervisor Anderson to hire the Conservation Foundation to assist in land negotiations for up to 100 hours at a rate of $75.00 per hour. The motion was seconded by J. Kupar. On a roll call vote Supervisor Anderson and Trustees Manser and Kupar voted aye. Trustees Gillen and Judy were absent. The motion passed.

Adjournment: R. Manser moved to adjourn the meeting. J. Kupar seconded the motion, and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,



Richard Johansen
